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Doomfist: The Latest Overwatch Anti-Hero From Blizzard is Now Live + Full Patch Notes (VIDEO)

After endless teasers, countless speculation, a new comic, and a PTR testing period – The Overwatch Anti-Hero is out of prison and straight into the game as of now. No longer constrained in the Public Test Realm, Doomfist is now live as an active character on all platforms. That’s not all, team Blizzard has also provided players with more in their latest update to promote a more balanced gameplay experience. Check out his story in more detail in the video below as he crushes his way through a line of OR15 defense units and battles it out with the other Overwatch heroes:

Equipped with charisma and ambition, Doomfist is a consummate tactician and one of the leaders of Talon: literally throwing down his gauntlet as he joins the fight. From his base in Nigeria, Doomfist is a commanding offense hero equipped with hard-hitting melee abilities. Driven by a belief that conflict is essential to humanity’s progress, he’s committed to advancing his vision of the future—even if the agents of Overwatch disagree with his methods.”

If you’ve played this character in PTR, you might notice that with his arrival to the main-game comes a few tweaks. His Rocket Punch no longer has a ridiculously unrealistic range and a new UI has been added to properly gauge the effectiveness of his ultimate attack.

Here’s a rundown on the changes accompanying the latest update directly from the Blizzard site:


  • Adjusted the respawn timing to limit defensive stalling strategies when the offensive team has a clear advantage and plays aggressively

Custom Games and Game Browser

  • Clarified the text on the “Flag Carrier” options under the Capture the Flag settings for Custom Games
  • Removed the “Projectile Speed” and “Projectile Gravity” options for heroes who do not have projectile weapons
  • Minimum movement speed has been changed to 50% (formerly 10%)
  • Players can no longer select Roadhog during Limited 1v1 matches

User Interface

  • Added ability to create customized reticles
    • Reticle options can be found under the “Controls” tab in the “Options” menu (click the “Advanced” expander under the “Reticle” heading)
  • The name of Mercy’s “Stethoscope” spray has been changed to “Heartbeat”
  • Statistics gathered from 6v6 Elimination matches will now be added to statistics in the Career Profile
  • Tie games will no longer be included in the win percentage calculation that’s listed under the Player Profile



  • Defense Matrix
    • New sound effects and voice lines have been added, indicating when Defense Matrix has absorbed an enemy’s ultimate ability


  • Deflect
    • New sound effects and voice lines have been added, indicating when an enemy’s ultimate ability has been deflected


  • Flashbang
    • Stunned targets are now slowed heavily, meaning they’re less likely to escape while stunned (especially while in the air)

Developer Comments: This change will make McCree’s Flashbang consistent against fast-moving targets like as Genji or Lúcio.


  • Shadow Step
    • Sound effect and VO distance has been reduced by 50%

Developer Comments: Even though Shadow Step wasn’t intended to be used as a way for players to teleport right next to an enemy without their knowledge, the sound effects were audible from distances that made teleportation difficult from nearly anywhere. This change allows Reaper to be a bit more sneaky with his flanking options.


  • Rocket Hammer
    • Swing speed increased by 10%

Developer Comments: In the last update, Reinhardt’s Rocket Hammer had an issue that allowed players with higher latency to swing faster. We fixed this bug, which suddenly made the swing speed feel too slow, so we’re compensating by increasing his standard swing speed. During this process, we also found and fixed a few bugs with Rocket Hammer’s hit registration. Overall, the hammer should feel much better.


  • Graviton Surge
    • Now disables mobility abilities on all affected targets

Developer Comments: In the past, the abilities that allowed heroes to escape Zarya’s Graviton Surge felt fairly arbitrary. We’re cleaning this up and increasing Graviton Surge’s overall power by rendering all movement abilities unusable when an enemy is trapped.



  • Fixed an issue preventing “Best In Game” stats from being updated
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the user interface to incorrectly indicate that an enemy player has been hit when colliding with them
  • Fixed a bug that could allow projectiles that would normally pierce shields (i.e. Reinhardt’s Fire Strike) to pass through other surfaces
  • Fixed a bug that caused some players to lose audio during the match

Competitive Play

  • Fixed a bug that caused players to get a leaver penalty during offseason matches, even after the in-game banner advised it was safe to leave the match

Custom Games and Game Browser

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from being added to a Custom Game with 12 Spectator slots
  • Fixed a bug in Custom Game settings that prevented some heroes with Self Healing from having a Healing Dealt modifier
  • Removed the Projectile Gravity slider from heroes who do not have abilities affected by gravity


  • Fixed a bug with D.Va’s Call Mech ability that allowed you to see her inside the mech before entering it
  • Fixed a bug that could cause eliminations from Junkrat’s Total Mayhem to be mislabeled in the kill feed
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Junkrat to use his Ultimate Callout when he is unable to use his Ultimate
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Roadhog’s Chain Hook to latch on to Orisa’s Supercharger
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to take damage after activating her Translocator
  • The sound effects on Reinhardt’s Bloodhardt, Blackhardt, and Wujing skins have been updated to reflect the use of an axe instead of a hammer
  • Fixed a bug preventing Lucio from receiving the full speed boost when traveling backwards during a Wall Ride
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented Torbjörn from building and upgrading his turret
  • Fixed multiple hit registration bugs in Reinhardt’s Rocket Hammer


  • Fixed a bug on Eichenwalde that prevented Soldier 76 from placing his Biotic Field in certain locations of Point A
  • Fixed a bug that caused AI-controlled players to perpetually move toward the objective on the Gardens point in Oasis
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Training Bots from facing the right direction and returning to their original location after being moved by player interactions on the Practice Range
  • Fixed a bug with that was causing unusual camera angles for Highlight Intros on Route 66
  • Fixed a bug that could cause D.Va to fall through the floor while boosting into the ground in a specific area on Volskaya Industries

User Interface

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Heroes of the Storm promotional portraits to appear locked, even after being unlocked
  • Fixed a bug that could cause an error message in chat if you attempted to spectate a new player while already spectating another player
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the chat window to be placed too high on the main menu, blocking menu options
  • Fixed a bug that prevented text from wrapping in the Report Player text box

Liana Ruppert578 Posts

With an arguably unhealthy obsession with Mass Effect, Liana has been an avid collector of gaming and comic memorabilia for well over two decades. With a passion for writing, gaming, and comics - she is currently working as Editor-in-Chief for the revival of Prima Games, with previous managing editor experience with several gaming publications including, The Hollywood Reporter, TwinGalaxies, and other outlets. She is also the Co-Owner and Managing Editor for DFTG. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, as well as several Facebook communities online.


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