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Dragon Age Director Mike Laidlaw Talks the Future of Thedas

Hi, my name is Liana and I am stupidly obsessed with Dragon Age (Hi, Liana). We already know that a new game in the Dragon Age-verse is currently in-progress, as it should be after that ending in Inquisition! As Thedas-loving hopefuls anxiously await any sort of news on the franchise, Mike Laidlaw, Dragon Age director, took to Twitter to answer some fan questions. He even joked, “We’ve got 50+ years left,” and we’re not even mad at it. Give me broody elves and mages any day!

In his Twitterpades, Laidlaw talks about how it is customary for BioWare to plan at least two games in advance for their franchises, “Thus, I could tell you what – could- be in a theoretical game 5, if there were a theoretical game 4 happening.” Mike Laidlaw, ladies and gentlemen. But below is the tweet that caused an explosion of excitement so big, that even Anders would be proud (I’m sorry):

The conversation then escalated to talks of Mass Effect and even joking about a Dragon Daddy dating sim game, of course parodying Dream Daddy. Laidlaw joked back, “MAKE THAT DRAGON!”

Laidlaw has been a part of huge projects within the BioWare family for nearly 15 years with his first toe-dip into the waters with Jade Empire. His talent then extended to what later grew into a cult following; Dragon Age. With the latest installment of Dragon Age: Inquisition and the amazing wrap up it did for key characters in previous games, the next step for the series is sure to be absolutely wild given the events in the final expansion seen in Trespasser.

To further the hype, the team is also hiring! You can see the full job postings page here, many of them for the “Dragon Age Franchise” right there in the listing. As a die-hard lover of all things Thedas, hit me with your theories, wants, and desires for the future of the franchise! Tell me everything! And don’t forget to check us out on Twitter for gaming and entertainment news live 24/7!

Liana Ruppert578 Posts

With an arguably unhealthy obsession with Mass Effect, Liana has been an avid collector of gaming and comic memorabilia for well over two decades. With a passion for writing, gaming, and comics - she is currently working as Editor-in-Chief for the revival of Prima Games, with previous managing editor experience with several gaming publications including, The Hollywood Reporter, TwinGalaxies, and other outlets. She is also the Co-Owner and Managing Editor for DFTG. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, as well as several Facebook communities online.


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