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Microsoft Adds New Copilot Feature in Latest Xbox One Update (VIDEO)

Microsoft’s latest update includes more additions and tweaks to the Xbox One. At this time, however, they’re exclusive to particular Xbox Insiders and a number of “subset gamers”. Within the next few weeks, the remaining Insider participants will be able to get in on the fun. There are 8 changes coming to the Xbox One, and among those changes is the new Copilot feature. Mike Ybarra and company call it the “Creators Update”. In the video below, Larry Hyrb and Scott Henson go into detail regarding the update. Check it out!

With the Copilot feature, Xbox One developers had players with accessibility issues in mind. Particularly, those with impaired movement, or simply need assistance. Copilot allows two controllers to act as one, meaning cooperative controls and an easier time to enjoy games. Not only that, they have improved Magnifier and Narrator, more audio output options, and custom rumble settings for the controller. All of these features are in the Ease of Access section under Settings.

Of course, there are 7 other updates in this big ol’ patch. The complete list is as followed:

  • Updated ‘Home’ screen
    • Optimized for speed, and showcase the most valuable content for the games in your inventory
    • The main tile displaying the current game being played has changed. Instead, there is a smaller icon, and options to interact with the Game Hub, your Club, or LFGs
    • The main home screen gives players a screenshot of the current game they are in, or have been playing

  • Improved, and more intuitive Guide
    • By pressing the Xbox button on the controller, the Guide will appear as an overlay on the screen, regardless of the task you’re doing
    • New Start page, designed to cater to content you are interested in such as games and applications
  • Better multitasking abilities
    • Redesigned to work with the Guide
    • Faster access to music, screenshots and GameDVR
    • Bringing up Guide, then pressing X or Y on the controller allows players to record their game
    • New Achievement tracker allows players to track and play simultaneously
    • Allows Xbox Insiders to broadcast instantly to Beam

  • Cortana enhancements
    • Alarms and reminders are available
    • More updates to come in the future
  • New system updates
    • Easier to understand system update warnings and availability, thus an updated interface
    • Every Xbox One player can keep their system, games, and applications up to date, despite personal power mode selection
  • New spatial audio output settings for developers
    • More audio output customization in Settings
    • Dolby Atmos for Home Theater is available to add
    • Additions for console owners will come soon
  • Blue-ray player bit-stream passthrough beta
    • The Blu-Ray player supports the bitstream passthrough beta, allowing native audio decoding via the receiver
    • All bitstream formats supported

Want to check out the official Xbox blog with the updates, for yourself? Check it out here! So, Xbox One players – what do you think of the enhancements and changes? What do you think of the Copilot feature? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below, we would love to hear from you.

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Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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