Iron Harvest: 1920+ RTS Game is a Steampunk Dream Come True

If there’s one thing we all know, it’s that a great story can always be made better with a little steampunk action. In the case of Jakub Rozalski’s alternate timeline: take one part giant robots, one part alternate World War I, and one part strategy based gameplay, and you’ve got the recipe for what looks like a seriously cool game. Announced just a few days ago on Facebook, Iron Harvest: 1920+ is an up-and-coming RTS game for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
The world of Iron Harvest: 1920+ was created by Jakub Rozalski not too long ago, bringing together the quaint, calming tones of European landscapes and giant mechas to create an incredibly unique world of his own. King Art Games recently teamed up with Rozalski to create this beautiful looking RTS title, and so far, it’s shaping up to be everything the artist originally envisioned, and more.
For the world of Iron Harvest, the artist based his alternate timeline off the Battle of Warsaw in 1920, and the Polish-Soviet War of 1919-1921. According to King Art Games, the title will include the same three factions of war that Rozalski envisioned for his alternate universe. According to the marketing materials for Iron Harvest:
The Saxony Empire is one of the most influential countries in Europe, with powerful industry, developed cities, modern factories and a strong military tradition. After the unfavorable conditions of surrender in the Great War, the current mood in the Empire is bad, and proud elites and humiliated aristocrats secretly oppose the Emperor’s appeasement policies.
The Polania Republic is a large agricultural country with a long history. It is trying to maintain its status and territory, struggling with its aggressive neighbors: The Saxony Empire in the west and Rusviet in the east. Polania initiated a program to modernize its army while a large part of the country is still occupied by Rusviet forces.
Rusviet is huge, powerful, and has unmatched industrial and population potential. However, the country is tired and worn out by the long war. People are frustrated, and the power of Tsar Nikolaj weakens. Mysterious Grigori Rasputin has become an extraordinarily powerful man and revolution is in the air.
Currently, there’s no word from King Art Games on when this title will be released. To keep up to date with Iron Harvest: 1920+, be sure to like their Facebook page for news and announcements in the coming months of production. In the meantime, if you just can’t wait to get your hands on this game you can always fill your need for WWI storylines by checking out Rozalski’s art here and taking a look at these articles on Battlefield 1 below:
Battlefield 1 Runs Smoother on Xbox One, Looks Better on PS4 (Video)
Man at Arms: Reforged Brings Battlefield 1’s Jambiya Knife to Life (Video)
Are you a fan of steampunk warfare? What do you think of this game concept? Will this be a title you’ll want to pick up for yourself? Give us a shout out in the comments below and let us know. Game on!
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