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Popular Sex Game ‘House Party’ Removed from Steam After Complaints of Pornography

The developers at Eek! Games have to find a way to “water down” their popular sex game House Party after it was temporarily removed from Steam thanks to multiple complaints of “pornography”. The title has only been for sale on Steam’s Early Access for a month and the developers are very confused about where Steam draws the line when it comes to sex in video games. According to a blog post from Eek! Games, they do not blame Steam for their decision, but towards the groups of people who have been rallying against the game from the start.

House Party was temporarily removed as a result of a number of complaints that were sent to Steam about the game. The game has been a target for a certain group of people since the day it launched, and said people were posting very aggressive, distasteful and hateful comments directed toward the game and its community of players.”

Unfortunately the developers aren’t sure what exactly needs to be changed since many games on Steam include sex scenes and another popular sex game, Ladykiller in a Bind, has no problems when it comes to being uncensored and even promises “six nights worth of explicit, consensual, kinky lesbian sex.” Eek! Games said in an update that they are unsure what needs to be censored before moving on.

I asked Valve for clarification on the offending content, and they haven’t replied yet, but they’ve been very nice up this point and simply told me that they would re-enable the game after testing the modifications requested (forcefully enabling an in-game censor during certain scenes regardless of the user’s preference setting) to ensure there is no more offending content. I know there are many games with nudity, and there are also games with sex scenes as well, including really popular titles, so it’s all rather confusing and I don’t know exactly where the line is or what in particular I should be censoring.”

house party

Don’t worry if you already bought a copy of House Party, “Those who already bought the game will still own it and be able to play it and receive updates through Steam.” What do you think of this game being taken down? Do you think it’s unfair to hold one game to higher standards than others? Let us know your opinions in the comment section below and then head to the DFTG Twitter page to stay updated on all the hottest gaming news 24/7!


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