New Gears Of War 4 Content And Achievements Arriving This Month

This March is shaping up to be an excellent month for Gears of War fans, as the latest iteration of ‘What’s Up’ over on the iconic Xbox series’ official website has revealed that there is tons of Gears of War 4 content on its way. According to the blog post, players can expect 11 new achievements, a restrictive change to the Hammerburst, the implementation of Competitive playlist 2.6, and more.
In regards to the Hammerburst, the Gears developers recently announced that the Hammerburst would be removed as a loadout weapon, becoming available as a secondary pickup in Core instead, just like the Boltok and Overkill. “Last week, we announced that the Hammerburst would be removed as a loadout weapon beginning with this Update,” the blog post reads. “This change is being made to preserver its impactful role as a potent long-range rifle but removing the issue with its over-effectiveness when used by a team of players.” Here’s a list of the maps that will include Hammerburst pickups, followed by a list of the weapons they rotate with per round (ordered from first to second):
- Avalanche – Boltok / Hammerburst
- Blood Drive – Boltok / Hammerburst
- Clocktower – Hammerburst replaces Smoke Grenade spawn up top
- Diner – Shock Grenade / Hammerburst
- Dry Dock – Hammerburst / Boltok
- Glory – Shock Grenade / Hammerburst
- Gridlock – Hammerburst / Boltok
- Harbor – Hammerburst / Boltok
- Hotel – Boltok / Hammerburst
- Impact Dark – Boltok / Hammerburst
- Lift – Hammerburst / Overkill
- Mercy – Boltok / Hammerburst
- Old Town – Hammerburst / Boltok
- Relic – Markza / Hammerburst
Those looking to work on some new achievements will be happy to hear that the latest batch of Gears of War 4 content will feature 11 new ones, divided up between Versus and Horde mode. Here’s a list of the achievements, as well as the condition for getting each one:
- Slaying It (100G) – Get 5,000 kills in Versus Multiplayer from March 2018 onwards (Public Only)
- I’m on Fire! (50G) – Earned 5 kills in Versus Multiplayer with more kills than deaths (Public Only)
- Getting Competitive (50G) – In Versus, win 25 matches in Competitive playlists (Public Only)
- School Of ’08 (25G) – In Private Horde, complete 50 consecutive waves of Horde on Hardcore or higher without the team building any fortifications
- Quick And Dirty (50G) – Complete 25 consecutive waves of Horde Lite or Frenzy
- In and Out (50G) – Complete 25 consecutive waves of Horde Lite or Frenzy on Insane
- Know Your Role: Scout (35G) – As a Scout, pickup 10,000 power during active combat in one Horde match
- Know Your Role: Engineer (35G) – As an Engineer, build 10 fortifications you have an active Card for in one Horde match
- Know Your Role: Heavy (35G) – As a Heavy, add 50 ammo for launchers or Heavy Weapons in a Weapons Locker in one Horde match
- Know Your Role: Sniper (35G) – As a Sniper, headshot 30 Scions, Pouncers, DR-1s or Snipers in one Horde match
- Know Your Role: Soldier (35G) – As a Soldier, kill 40 enemies from cover and have 100 Lancer kills in one Horde match
Gears of War 4 is now available for PC and Xbox One. The full set of notes for the latest patch – as well as the update itself – will be released on Tuesday
So, thoughts on the upcoming Gears of War 4 content? Excited to score some new achievements? Let us know in the comments section below, and as always, stay tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers for all the latest gaming and entertainment news! Don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for our 24/7 news feed!
Ryan "Cinna" Carrier3026 Posts
Ryan is the Lead Editor for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he isn't writing, Ryan is likely considering yet another playthrough of Final Fantasy IX. He's also the DFTG cinnamon bun.