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Fortnite Update Brings Vending Machines, Explosive Grenades, and More (VIDEO)

Fortnite Update Brings Vending Machines, Remote Explosives, and More

Epic Games is at it again with another massive update for Fortnite. The latest Fortnite update brings with it the previously leaked vending machines, remote explosives, guided missiles, and some other seriously ‘egg-splosive’ firepower. Additionally, the Fortnite update brings a new limited-time mode to Battle Royale titled High Explosives V2. Epic Games has also done some tweaking with several weapons and implemented First Shot Accuracy, which essentially means that if you’re aiming, standing still, and one of the listed weapons has not been fired recently, the first shot will be 100% accurate.

While weapon changes are exciting, you’ve all come here for the long-anticipated vending machines, right? Epic Games previously had a few of these hidden underneath its Battle Royale map, though now they finally get to see the light of day and the blunt end of players’ pickaxes. Strewn about the island, vending machines each offer 3 different deals, with the rarity and actual items chosen at random. Players can exchange different types of materials in order to purchase said items. Check out the teaser trailer below, followed by the full patch notes for what the latest Fortnite update brings to the table:

Fortnite Update V3.4

Battle Royale

  • Vending Machines have been added.
    • These are found in various locations around the map.
    • Each Vending Machine will randomly select a rarity. All items sold will match that rarity.
      • Items found in a Common (white) version will cost 100 materials.
      • Items found in a Uncommon (green) version will cost 200 materials.
      • Items found in a Rare (blue) version will cost 300 materials.
      • Items found in a Epic (purple) version will cost 400 materials.
      • Items found in a Legendary (gold) version will cost 500 materials.
    • Each Vending Machine will sell three items, one for each material type (Wood, Stone, Metal).
      • It will cycle through each of the three items on a short timer. To switch items faster, hit the Vending Machine with your Pickaxe.
    • There is no purchase limit to the items available.
  • Many weapons now have First Shot Accuracy.
    • Included weapons:
      • Suppressed Submachine Gun
      • Tactical Submachine Gun
      • Pistol
      • Suppressed Pistol
      • Revolver
      • Hand Cannon
      • Assault Rifle
      • Burst Assault Rifle
    • When aiming, standing still, and the weapon has not fired recently, the first shot will be 100% accurate.
      • When this is active, the aim reticle will be completely closed in to indicate this state.
    • Damage fall-off has been adjusted for weapons with First Shot Accuracy.
      • Suppressed Submachine Gun and Tactical Submachine Gun
        • Fall-off begins at 24 meters.
        • Damage reduced to 80% at 35 meters.
        • Damage reduced to 65% at 50 meters.
      • Pistol and Suppressed Pistol
        • Fall-off begins at 28 meters.
        • Damage reduced to 85% at 47.5 meters.
        • Damage reduced to 75% at 70 meters.
        • Damage reduced to 65% at 250 meters.
      • Revolver and Hand Cannon
        • Fall-off begins at 35 meters.
        • Damage reduced to 70% at 60 meters.
        • Damage reduced to 40% at 85 meters.
      • Assault Rifle and Burst Assault Rifle
        • Fall-off begins at 50 meters.
        • Damage reduced to 80% at 75 meters.
        • Damage reduced to 65% at 100 meters.
    • Headshot damage multiplier reduced to 2x for weapons with First Shot Accuracy (was 2.5x).


  • Limited Time Mode: High Explosives v2
    • General
      • Non-explosive weapons removed.
      • Friendly Fire off.
      • 1:50 shaved off wait times for first four storms (20s / 30s / 30s / 30s).
    • Supply Drops
      • Spawn +50% more consumables.
      • Spawn +100% more materials.
      • Have a 50% chance of dropping a Legendary Guided Missile.
    • Floor Loot adjustments
      • Materials spawn 60 / 90 / 120 per pickup for wood/stone/metal.
      • Materials drop rate increased 50%.
      • Ammo drop rate increased 50%.
      • Impulse grenade added to floor loot.
      • Trap drop rate lowered 50%.
    • Other loot adjustments:
      • Number of rockets found per drop increased (Floor: 4-6 | Chests: 8 | Supply: 12 | Box: 16 | Llama: 20).
      • Grenade, Impulse Grenade & Remote Explosive drop rate +100%.
      • Bandages drop rate -50%, Med Kit & Slurp drop rate +50%.
      • Spike Trap disabled; Launch Pads & Campfires spawn at 1:1 ratio.
      • Rocket Launcher drop rate +100%.
      • Guided Missile drop rate +100%.
  • Resource gathering rates adjusted.
    • Increased most Wood resource values by about 10%.
    • Reduced variance of resources from objects. Was +/- 30%, now +/- 15%.
      • This meant that an object with a base 100 resource value could have been anywhere between 70 and 130 resources. Now it would give between 85 and 115.
    • This does not affect Limited Time Modes.

Save The World

  • Easter Egg Launcher
    NOTE: This will be available starting April 4 at 8pm ET.

    • Lobs explosive eggs that persist on the ground.
    • When enemies get close to an egg they detonate after a short delay.
    • Maximum of 6 eggs active at a time.

Fortnite is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

So, thoughts on the weapon changes? Excited for what the rest of the Fortnite update brings to the table? Let us know in the comments section below, and as always, stay tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers for all the latest gaming and entertainment news! Don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for our 24/7 news feed!

Ryan "Cinna" Carrier3026 Posts

Ryan is the Lead Editor for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he isn't writing, Ryan is likely considering yet another playthrough of Final Fantasy IX. He's also the DFTG cinnamon bun.


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