Fortnite Patch Adds New Chiller Trap, Custom Playground Options (VIDEO)

With Fortnite Battle Royale now in its sixth season, Epic Games is continuing to bring fresh ideas to the massively popular title. We now have a floating island that is just making its way across the map, Shadow Stones allow players to become invisible, and the content just keeps on rolling in. That said, the developer has now brought a new trap to the game, and it sure is a cool one.
Patch 6.01 is now live for Fortnite, and it has brought some rather interesting features to dominating Battle Royale game. Chiller traps are now part of the mayhem, allowing players to provide themselves with a rapid getaway or freeze the opposition with ease. After stepping on the trap, combatants will be equipped with “icy feet” that causes “them to slide around with low friction.” The new Chiller is demonstrated in the video below:
With the addition of the Valkyrie skin, Frostwing glider, and Valkyrie Wings, it’s seemingly clear that Epic is gearing up for winter, which is coming. The new Chiller trap is the latest installment in what is sure to be a bounty of seasonal items. After all, it would be pretty great to see some snow-covered landscapes in-game.
The latest Fortnite patch also brings more options to the popular Playground mode. “Settings such as starting health, time of day, gravity, and more” can now be changed, according to the patch notes. Save the World players will have the Lead Sled Hammer to pick up in the Weekly Store. In addition to this, the Obliterator Sniper Rifle is also being added. Both are set to arrive on October 3rd at 8pm ET. As always, a handful of bug fixes have been implemented with the latest patch.
Fortnite is currently available on Mac, PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, Xbox One, Android, and iOS. It may not be available on your smart fridge yet, but at least Sony is now trying out crossplay capabilities, which you can read about right here. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as this story develops, and for other gaming goodness going on right now, check out the following:
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What say you, gamers? Are you excited to try out the new Chiller traps in Fortnite? Do you believe a significant Winter event is inbound? Sound off in the comment section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7! Without further ado, let’s take a look at the latest patch notes:
Playground Custom Options
- Added more options to Playground. Allowing you to change settings such as starting health, time of day, gravity, and more!
- Chiller added.
- Common Trap.
- Can be placed on floors, walls, or ceilings.
- Drops in stacks of 3 in Treasure Chests, Supply Drops, Vending Machines, Supply Llamas, and floor loot.
- Applies icy feet to friends or foes, causing them to slide around with low friction.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause vehicles to become uncontrollable.
- Made improvements to the motion controls for the Switch to make it feel more accurate and responsive.
Bug Fixes
- Pets are now hidden along with your character when the camera is too close to you.
- Toys now respect the streamer mode setting for player names in minigame messages.
- Slightly increased the hitbox size on the Fancy Tomato to match its visual size.
- The following adjustments have been made to Glider audio tells:
- Muffled the audio if there isn’t a clear line of sight between you other gliding players.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where incorrect audio would play when a teammate was eliminated.
Bug Fixes
- Added star ratings to the UI elements of all trap items.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where players occasionally couldn’t interact with items.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Keep Out!!!’s damage area was smaller than intended.
- Lead Sled Hammer added to the Weekly Store.
- A fast-swinging hammer that gains speed with each hit.
- Leap Attack: Heavy attack that jumps to the targeted foe and damages and knocks down nearby enemies.
- Available Wednesday, October 3 at 8 PM ET until Wednesday, October 10 at 8 PM ET.
- Obliterator Sniper Rifle added to the Weekly Store.
- A slow firing Sniper Rifle with high base damage and a heavy kick.
- Shots pierce through walls and husks alike, and can quickly obliterate structures.
- Available Wednesday, October 3 at 8 PM ET until Wednesday, October 10 at 8 PM ET.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Walloper Hammer sometimes wouldn’t do damage while using the Leap Attack.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a hitch while using the Leap Attack with the Walloper Hammer.
- Elemental visual effects on weapons are now hidden along with your character when the camera is too close to you.
Eric Garrett2269 Posts
Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.