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Fallout 4 Tesla Rifle Replica Has Been Brought to Life (VIDEO)

Tesla Rifle

Fan creations have done it again! Once more, the world has found itself graced with a brand new replica prop from favored video games, and this time, the weapon of choice is something a little more electrifying. For many gaming fans, prop recreation is something of a hobby, one that ends up looking pretty on the shelves (like these gorgeous Spirit Orbs from Breath of the Wild) or something a little more badass (like Tracer’s Pulse Pistols). This time, another replica weapon has been brought to the real world, and like Tracer’s pistols, this gun definitely stands out as a working piece of art. Well, for the most part. Check out Wasted Props’ Tesla Rifle, pulled from fantasy into reality from Bethesda’s Fallout 4, below:

Many Images and the above video of the replica Tesla rifle were uploaded to Wasted Props’ official Facebook account, and this gun is truly impressive. As the creator of this rifle has shown, the Tesla rifle is completely to scale, measuring in at about a meter long (or 40 inches), and functions almost just like the in-game weapon. While the rifle doesn’t exactly fire live rounds, it does light up and “charge”, giving this weapon an incredibly authentic feel.

For those who love the build process of their favorite props and cosplay pieces, Wasted Props has posted a line-up of images over the past several weeks, portraying the build process from humble beginnings carving pieces, to final construction. Even wiring and electrical has been given a spotlight in the build process of this incredible looking Fallout weapon. For those looking for something a little different, fans can check out other replica builds on the official Facebook or their website, where browsing or commissioning props is almost too easy!

Thoughts on the replica Tesla Rifle from Fallout 4? Has anyone else ever attempted to recreate their favorite weapon in-game? Make sure to join in on the discussion in the comments below, and don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment updates 24/7. As always … game on, friends!


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