Fallout 76 Was Created From Remnants Of Fallout 4 Multiplayer Project (VIDEO)

Fallout 76 may not be the game many Bethesda or Fallout fans were expecting, but it is certainly an ambitious one. While this isn’t their first journey into the world of online-only games, it wasn’t exactly created from nothing. From the discarded remains of what was the Fallout 4 multiplayer mode, it was recycled to form a standalone multiplayer project instead.
As seen in the video above, a documentary by NoClip, the team interviews none other than Bethesda’s very own Todd Howard to discuss the origins of Fallout 76. It stands to be said that at some point during the Fallout 4’s development, the multiplayer aspect was abandoned, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t be realized someday. Since then, the creators have played with the idea more than once and even began its initial designs as 4 was being developed. Howard explained their approach to its inception:
‘Hey, should we do multiplayer?’ ‘Probably not.’ What would it be? ‘Okay, it would be this.’ Let’s talk it through. ‘That’s pretty awesome.’ And then you kind of put it away. ‘Alright, let’s do our thing. And then every once in a while you keep talking about like, ‘Hey you know, we should have done that,’ or ‘We should do it.’ And then as Fallout 4 is going on, it becomes a ‘No, we should really do it as its own thing.'”
As a matter of fact, Fallout 76 technically began as far back as 2013. The idea of multiplayer on top of Fallout 4’s already expansive single-player campaign seemed too ambitious at the time for the Maryland studio location, but it was too enticing to pass up altogether. Once the new Austin, Texas location was erected, Battlecry Studios was designated as the star team to take it on and began even before Fallout 4 was shipped out.
Fallout 76 has been a long time in the making, so you know that the team is dedicated to realizing each aspect of its entire multiplayer design. It will feature more complex animations, designs, and technology for a greater sense of realism and immersion. The topography of the game will be diverse with mountain ranges, chemical spills from abandoned factories, landmarks, ski resorts, and so much more. It’s certainly shaping up to be one of their biggest yet.
What are your thoughts on the creation of their latest and upcoming game? Are you anticipating its arrival or skeptical of another online title? Let us know what you think in the comments section below or start a conversation on DFTG Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here’s some of our latest:
Hoi Duong2131 Posts
Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.