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Destiny 2 Patch: Faction Rallies, Balance Changes, And More

Destiny 2 Patch

Players have finally seen Destiny 2 on all three available systems – Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. As with all games, the game is not perfect and will see constant changes to meet the needs of the player base. To account for that, Bungie has released the next update Destiny 2 patch known as version 1.0.6 and additional hot fix update for PC. It’s not all just corrections to the games, we will see some changes to key components of the game.

Players will get fixes to emotes, as well as another round of faction rallies, changes to the crucible, and modifications to the companion app.

Below are the full patch notes released by Bungie:

1.0.6 The one about Crucible scoring changes.


  • Fixed an issue with collision detection on the Bureaucratic Walk Emote
  • Fixed an issue causing players to encounter empty public spaces too often in free roam
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be kicked to Orbit

Faction Rallies

  • Strikes now reward Faction Tokens at a range of 5 to 9 Faction Tokens per completion (up from 3 to 7)
    • Nightfall now rewards 10 to 18 Faction Tokens on first completion per character
  • Completing Heroic Public Events now rewards 5 Faction Tokens (down from 8)
  • Destroying enemy resources no longer rewards Faction Tokens
    • Opening Lost Sector chests now rewards 3 Faction Tokens for each fireteam member


  • Updated Mercy Rule settings to allow Mercy to activate slightly later in the match, allowing a wider range of scores to trigger it


  • Reduced score limit to 50 (was 75)


  • Reduced score limit to 90 (was 100)
  • Reduced influence that enemy-controlled zones exert over the spawning system


  • Reduced round time limit to 2 mins (down from 3)
  • Reduced life count to 6 (down from 8)


  • Increased score-to-win to 70 (up from 50)
  • We now grant one point for defeating an enemy Guardian
  • Adjusted the influence enemy crests have on the spawning system
  • Improved performance across the app and particularly on the Gear and Progress sections
  • Improved screen state preservation after rotation
  • Added the ability to look up Clans by name (exact matches only)
  • Added suggested Clans to the ‘Browse Clans’ screen
  • Added suggested Clans to the ‘Browse Clans’ screen The one about Clan rosters.

 PC Version

  • Fixed an issue where Clan rosters were not showing properly
  • Fixed an issue causing gradual performance degradation over time

The Destiny 2 patch is currently live on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

Which change are you most excited for in the Destiny 2 patch? What do you think still needs to be fixed in future updates? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below, and don’t forget to check out DFTG on Twitter for gaming and entertainment news live 24/7!

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Matt Ruppert715 Posts

Navy Veteran with a penchant for the FPS genre, Chewy has all aspects of the gaming community covered. Don't expect to see him on a console any time soon, however - though he has experience in all platforms, the PC Master Race has a firm hold on him.


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