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Cyberpunk 2077 Character Creation Confirmed – Studio Talks Battle Royale And Multiplayer

Cyberpunk 2077

Excitement for CD Projekt RED’s upcoming futuristic RPG is beginning to reach new heights as we get closer to this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo. With the studio set to be in attendance, fans are eagerly awaiting the arrival of new info or even a trailer. While we all have to wait until then to get the goods, CDPR President Adam Kiciński recently dropped a few details regarding the project, even going as far as confirming Cyberpunk 2077 character creation and classes, and touching on the possibility of multiplayer, battle royale, and more.

CD Projekt RED’s fiscal year presentation recently took place and it was during this time that the company’s president fielded some questions regarding Cyberpunk 2077. To begin with, he stated that he was eager to reveal more about the game, but it just wasn’t time yet. However, he did say that there will be a rather large announcement “just before” their E3 presentation. This was after Kiciński said that he can’t announce the announcement, but people continued to press him on the subject. There was even a possible Easter egg during the presentation. When Cyberpunk 2077 was brought up, the image displayed in the background “glitches” and what appears to be “EEE” can be seen for a frame at the 46:35 mark. Check it out below:

In addition to learning when we can expect some glorious details, the CDPR president touched on a few other topics. This included confirming Cyberpunk 2077 character creation, which is exactly what all RPG fans love to hear. Plus, there will be classes to pick from when creating yourself in-game. According to Kiciński, there will be options galore.

There’s no doubt that the studio is creating something pretty special with Cyberpunk 2077. They’ve already stated that it’s even more ambitious than The Witcher, which is probably why they just opened an additional studio to help with development. This also brings up the point that Kiciński made about the game being “very advanced” technology-wise when he was asked if it will be cross-generational. Of course, he didn’t elaborate, but he did say that the tech the studio is using is “ready to interface with future generations.”

Since details have been scarce, rumors have risen from all corners of the gaming community. Talks of multiplayer have been swirling, prompting the president to say they are open to “everything and anything,” and that includes the hottest game mode on the market right now, battle royale. While the studio’s primary focus is the narrative-driven single-player aspect of the game, it’s always possible that we could see some multiplayer action as well. Unfortunately, we’ll just have to wait until E3 in June to hopefully learn exactly what they’ve got cooking up. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as this story develops, and for other gaming goodness going on right now, check out the following:

What say you, gamers? Would you like to see multiplayer and battle royale come to the title, or are you at least glad that Cyberpunk 2077 character creation and classes were confirmed? At this point, are you happy to learn any and all information released? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7! For the full presentation, check out the video below:

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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