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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta Sessions Begin Today – Full Details (VIDEO)

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Cancelled A "Badass" Feature At Last Minute

Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare reboot is closely approaching next month and the experience is proving to be quite different from the original 2007 title. For starters, the military shooter is set to feature a much grittier campaign, with morally-ambiguous warfare depicted across its single-player storyline. Of course, Multiplayer is making a return as well, and while it won’t include a decidedly “badass” feature, the online mode appears to be shaping up well by the looks of the game’s extended showcase of gameplay.

As laid out by Activision, players will now have their first crack at Multiplayer through a new string of beta sessions. Each session is separated into four sections spread across two weekends, with PS4 getting first dibs, as per the game’s timed-exclusivity deal with Sony. Today begins the first of these betas; it exclusive to PlayStation 4 owners who pre-ordered Modern Warfare. This particular session is scheduled to last from September 12th (10 am PDT) until an undisclosed time on September 13th.

A second session is to follow shortly after on September 14th, offering any and all PS4 players to the party until it ends September 16th. Though the following week will finally include pre-orderers for PC and Xbox One, all PS4 users will still have access to the beta for the remainder of the weekend. The platforms are set to go live in a cross-play beta from September 19th to September 20th, with an open beta for all platforms (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) concluding the proceedings from September 21st to September 23rd.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer Beta

  • September 12th (10 am PDT / 12 pm CDT / 1 pm EDT)
    • Pre-Order Early Access (PlayStation 4)
    • Ends September 13th
  • September 14th (10 am PDT / 12 pm CDT / 1 pm EDT)
    • Open Beta (PlayStation 4)
    • Ends September 15th
  • September 19th (10 am PDT / 12 pm CDT / 1 pm EDT)
    • Pre-Order Early Access (PC, Xbox One)
    • Open Beta (PlayStation 4)
    • Ends September 20th
  • September 21st (10 am PDT / 12 pm CDT / 1 pm EDT)
    • Open Beta (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
    • Ends September 23rd

As for what to expect when heading into the firefight, Activision promises “an epic and ever-changing series of Maps, Playlists, and other content drops throughout the Beta Test Weekends, with surprises and a great deal of content to access,” with more specific information to be unveiled as the testing session goes on. As for the full version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the game releases for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on October 25th.

What do you think? Are you headed into the Modern Warfare beta, or are you all about that upcoming beta for Call of Duty: Mobile instead? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter and Facebook to be informed of the latest gaming and entertainment news 24 hours a day! For more headlines recently featured on DFTG, check out these next few news stories:

Eric Hall2712 Posts

Phone-browsing Wikipedia in one hand and clutching his trusty controller in the other, the legendary Eric Hall spreads his wealth of knowledge as a writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. Be sure to catch his biweekly "Throwback Thursday" segment for a nostalgic look at trivia from the past.


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