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Bungie Responds to Community Needs for Better End-Game Destiny 2 Loot With Friendship

bungie responds

As the community would have it, expectations for Destiny 2 have been very high since the last bit of content for the first game trickled out before the sequel’s highly anticipated debut. Now it has been several weeks since it was released on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and fans are requesting that the developing team generate better end-game loot. Bungie responds through Community Manager DeeJ to the feedback the team has been getting with the latest TWAB (This Week at Bungie):

My challenge to every Guardian is to look to the human element in Destiny 2 to fuel your appetite for ultimate re-playability. The ultimate loot is the friendships that can grow out of a game like this. There will be more gear to add to your character (next week, even). The rewards that I’m talking about are the people in the community that thrives in this game. If you let them, they’ll make your hobby as a light-dealing hero on a starside campaign for glory even better.

Ultimately, what DeeJ hopes for will happen regardless, especially considering the events  and gatherings that have taken place so far in the universe – from an engagement between two fellow Destiny players, a catchy dance-off between friends that quickly became a meme, and honoring a final wish for a fallen Guardian. With that being said, Destiny 2 has only gone public for a month and DeeJ essentially states within the entirety of his statement that there will be more to come, but he implores players to not simply focus on “more, more, more”. Rather, Bungie responds with “friendship is the end goal”.

While the sentiment is commendable and idealistic, if there isn’t some sort of grind and anticipation, there’s almost no reason to keep going. If content doesn’t keep coming out, then what’s the point in continuing the journey as a guardian? To digress, there’s still a lot more to see and what Bungie and Activision have to offer to the die-hard community in the coming months and years. Of course, community forums like the one on the developer website and Reddit have fans with a word or two of their own, especially this fellow Guardian. The introduction of their statement recognizes how Bungie responds to the community and while friendship is important, it isn’t the sole reason people were looking forward to Destiny 2 in the first place.

We all bought this game hoping for the best, and in some ways we got great strides, but overall I think the community is coming around to see that Destiny 2 wasn’t gold at all, but just a rock painted gold. Sure we can smash things with the rock, but we don’t look as good doing it (bad analogy I know).

…I read that statement and it made me angry. Angry not because I disagreed with the idea that friends are great, but angry that Bungie just does not care about what we, the hardcore players who defended Destiny 1 in the bad times, who played it when we could have let it die, who hyped up the sequel and found secrets that became news stories, have been left behind. This isn’t our game anymore and honestly, i’m about done with it. When I take Destiny 2 out of my PS4 in the next week or so because i’m tired of not getting anything or progressing or having something to do, I’m not sure if i’ll put it back in…no matter what my friends are doing.”

Not much later, OriginalTodd recognized that his response to DeeJ’s message statement may have ruffled a few too many feathers. “I want to say that while DeeJ delivers the TWAB, he is just the messenger and has to write what he’s told. While this message sounds out of touch and not what we wanted to hear,” said the original poster. “The point that this post and our thoughts on the endgame have been recognized is still a big win for us I think.”

Now it’s your turn fellow Guardians, do you have any similar or varying opinions about how Bungie responds to the community? Do you think it’s too soon to tell where the journey with this game will be? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below or start a conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming news as they happen, follow us on Twitter! Here are some of our latest:

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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