Fortnite Black Panther Monument Hosts Player Vigils For Chadwick Boseman (VIDEO)

Fortnite Black Panther

The new Fortnite season brings several big Marvel characters like Iron Man and Dr. Doom to the popular battle royale title. Looming large over the season in this moment, sadly, is the recent passing of Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman. However, the inclusion of a new Fortnite Black Panther location is giving players a location where they can pay tribute to the beloved actor.

Epic Games recently added a new Fortnite Black Panther location on their battle royale map as a part of the new Marvel season. The location hosts a large statue of a Black Panther, meant to represent King T’Challa and the kingdom of Wakanda. As can be seen in the Reddit post below (via Prima Games), however, is that the location has encouraged players to pay their respects to the recently departed Black Panther actor Chadwick Boseman.

Wholesome moment at the Black Panther monument
byu/TheRazoredEdge inFortNiteBR

Videos like the one seen above show opponents meeting at the Fortnite Black Panther location. Normally, such an encounter would lead to an intense battle between opponents, but it would seem that this particular meeting ended up being a pacifistic one. Neither player wanted to deal damage near the statue, as a sign of respect to Boseman’s memory. The two players simply exchange emotes and make it clear that they wish the other well.

Given Epic Games’ development turnaround, this location would have been planned weeks, if not months, in advance, so it was pure kismet that the location would have been added so close to the passing of Chadwick Boseman. Hopefully it allows his fans a place to express their sorrow and pay tribute to such an important cultural figure. Wakanda Forever.

What do you think about the Chadwick Boseman tributes at this Fortnite Black Panther location? Let us know in the comments below. Be sure to stay tuned for the latest Fortnite news, such as Microsoft siding with Epic Games’s lawsuit with Apple regarding Fortnite, here on Don’t Feed the Gamers. Follow us on Twitter to see our updates the minute they go live!

Cory Lara2137 Posts

A royally radical and totally tubular 90s kid, Cory has a passion for all things nerdy, particularly gaming and nostalgia. While an accountant by day, he strives to be as creative and humorous as possible in his free time, be it here writing on Don't Feed the Gamers, or making dumb satirical posts on his Twitter, Youtube, Facebook and Instagram accounts.


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