Has Star Wars Battlefront II finally turned the corner? I ask myself that question every time I discuss the game or read a Community Transmission from EA DICE. I can’t…
Read MoreHas Star Wars Battlefront II finally turned the corner? I ask myself that question every time I discuss the game or read a Community Transmission from EA DICE. I can’t…
Read MoreLast week, Star Wars Battlefront II created some controversy. No, not about loot boxes, unfixed bugs, removed heroes, or lost player progress—an entirely new controversy. And it all began with…
Read MoreStar Wars Battlefront II finally fixed one of its most glaring issues to date this week. The August patch brought the return of the previously-broken Emperor Palpatine to the beleaguered…
Read MoreWith DICE shifting their focus to the release of Battlefield V in October it’s a bit surprising to discover that they’re giving Battlefield 1 a visual update. With Xbox One…
Read MoreIn a financial conference call for Electronic Art’s analysts and investors, the monetization plans and other details involving Battlefield V were discussed. The news may be the first sigh of…
Read MoreI still play a ton of Star Wars Battlefront II. Yes, I’ve been as frustrated as anybody with the controversies, the bugs, and the radio silence. I understand the doubts,…
Read MoreStar Wars Battlefront II fans may be among the most patient in all of gaming. They stuck with the beleaguered title through loot box fails, patch glitches, and a huge…
Read MoreDICE recently released the trailer for the second half of Star Wars Battlefront II’s Solo Season. Players have been desperate for new content and, following the latest patch issues, are…
Read MoreDICE’s Star Wars Battlefront II has run into another snag in a long history of controversy, with its latest patch leveling down some players’ characters by as much as ten…
Read MoreDespite having a community somewhat not as concentrated on its PC version, Star Wars Battlefront II has been able to attract the modding community in surprising ways. In response to…
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