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Super Mario Odyssey Trailer Has Been Recreated in Dark Souls and it is Hilarious (VIDEO)

Super Mario Odyssey Trailer

It hasn’t been very long since the release of the Super Mario Odyssey trailer, and already the game has seen the likes of a few new modding takes. The most recent one, however, definitely has our attention, as an intrepid fan has taken this quirky and adorable game and given it a dark and gritty twist. How dark and gritty, exactly? Take Mario and stick him in the Dark Souls realm. Sounds kind of scary, right? Ehh… not so much as it is downright hilarious to watch. Check out the video below to see this brand new mod in action:

Created by user JellyElite~, the mod was created using the Mario hat mod and parallels the original Odyssey trailer. This hilarious take on the video definitely blends elements from two very different genres into one expertly crafted display, and it looks like something many gamers would enjoy getting their hands on. Who doesn’t love a game with equal parts scares and laughs, anyway?

For those who would love to make their own Super Mario Odyssey mods, make sure to check out the description of the video above to find the download link for Mario hat mod. It is definitely a great way to show appreciation for Nintendo’s flagship character and give him a unique spin. For more news regarding Mario and Super Mario Odyssey, check out the links below and stay in the know:

Thoughts on the new modded Super Mario Odyssey trailer? How many fans wish for a title like this? What other video game characters would you love to see make their way to the Dark Souls universe? Make sure to join in on the discussion in the comments section below, and don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment updates 24/7. As always … game on, friends!


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