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Starfield Teaser Reveals ‘New Atlantis’ Location


Earlier this month, the developers for Starfield released a teaser image promising a space-faring adventure filled with discovery and wonder. While there still hasn’t been any concrete details concerning the title or what it will be about, it seems the developers are ready to start delivering some hype content for the game in all its glory. A new teaser has recently arrived, this time showing off a location that players will be spending their time in.

The teaser reveals the location of New Atlantis, the Capital of the United Colonies and a location seemingly within a mountain range of sorts. New Atlantis was teased previously in a behind the scenes video from the developers, but this new image does show off another small taste of what awaits players in the city. The previous trailer describes New Atlantis as a melting pot of cultures and creeds as well as being the capital for the most well established military and political faction in the world. This can be seen in the recent teaser, showing off the use of natural rocky defenses as ships pass in and out of what appears to be the main ship port. It’ll be interesting what more the developers will give fans a glimpse of, especially if they decide to showcase a bit more of an in depth look at what’s to come.

Starfield has been given a release date of November 11th of this year for PC and Xbox Series X/S. Microsoft’s acquisition of Bethesda came as a bit of a shock for fans, turning into worry that future titles would be Xbox exclusives and in this instance that is exactly the case. While Phil Spencer has wanted to see the Xbox platform transcend the boundaries of consoles themselves, he made the claim last year that in this case, making Starfield an Xbox exclusive would allow developers to deliver a better product. Regardless, it’ll be interesting to see just what kind of product the developers at Bethesda will be able to deliver for Starfield, at the very least, the recent teasers have been quite gorgeous to look at.

Let us know your thoughts on the latest teaser for Starfield and more in the comments section below. As always, don’t forget to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter for 24/7 coverage of all things gaming and entertainment.

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Chris Calles1560 Posts

Known as "Stash" or Yippee Calles. He's a student of everything, avid adrenaline junkie, and creator of random things. When he's not delving into a game, book, or movie - He's out teaching himself new things or taking part in some pretty epic adventures. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.


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