Sombra Sighting on Overwatch Servers!

Someone has found a picture of Sombra, the long awaited character on the popular game Overwatch, signed by an artist who works on the game’s team. It was on Blizzard’s official store website and it has since been removed, but places like Reddit and Imgur wouldn’t let it disappear that easily.
The picture is of Sombra posing on a giant Omnic’s hand, shooting purple streams of light from her hands. Her possible ultimate perhaps? We shall have to see! There was another leaked image a few weeks ago that closely resembles this image above suggesting that it’s really happening guys!
The artist, John Polidora, happens to be a senior concept artist on Blizzard’s Overwatch team. We are assuming that he will sell prints of his Sombra artwork when she is finally released for us to play. Her big reveal will most likely happen at Blizzcon 2016 and will hopefully be added to the Public Test Realm shortly after! Some fans suggest her reveal could happen today since it is the Mexican Day of the Dead festival which coincides with the rumor that Sombra has Latin roots thanks to all the hints found in the Dorado map.
Finally, it seems we are going to get our girl! Are you as excited as we are? Let us know down below and check back with Don’t Feed the Gamers often for all things Overwatch! Overwatch’s Halloween event will be ending soon so go get those Jack-O-Lantern loot boxes while you still can!
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