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Rocket League Reveals Overhauled Progression System, Here’s How It Works

Rocket League Reveals Overhauled Progression System, Here's How It Works

Psyonix’s popular ‘soccer with cars’ game Rocket League has just received a massive update with loads of new content to unpack. Among the new features and preemptive implementation of the Rocket Pass is the game’s brand new progression system, which has been built from the ground-up to help players earn better rewards more consistently with less randomization involved. Here’s the full breakdown of the progression system, taken from the recent patch notes:


  • Gaining Experience and Leveling Up have been rebuilt from the ground-up

  • Experience (XP)

    • You can now only earn XP in Online Casual & Competitive Matches

    • XP is now primarily based on Match Length, not your score

      • You earn a scaling amount of XP for each second of a match, including Overtime, up to a maximum of 20 minutes

      • A match must be at least 60 seconds long to reward any XP

    • New match XP bonuses have been added, including:

      • Score

      • MVP

      • Consecutive Games (when you stay in the same Casual server)

      • Backfill (when you replace a bot in a Casual match)

      • Weekly Wins

        • Each day, you accumulate 2 Weekly Win bonuses, up to a maximum of 14 (one week’s worth)

        • Each win earns +200% XP and consumes one of your bonus wins

    • XP is only rewarded if a match is completed

      • Forfeiting a match counts as match completion

    • Match Stats that grant Score have been revised to focus on important events

      • Goals, Assists, Saves, Clears, etc. all still give Score and a notification

      • First Touch, Aerial Hit, Bicycle Hit, and Juggle Hit no longer award Score

        • These stats are still tracked and updated for your Career Stats page

  • Leveling

    • From Level 20 upward, Levels now require a flat amount of XP instead of taking progressively longer to earn

    • The Level 75 cap has been removed; there is no longer a Level cap

    • Conversion

      • All players have been converted to a new Level based on multiple factors, including total Online Matches played and total XP earned

      • Players Level 40 and below convert to roughly the same level as before

      • Players above Level 40 convert to a higher level than before

      • Players who have been capped at Level 75 for some time will gain extra Levels based on total Online Matches played

The above information roughly translates into Rocket League players having a much clearer goal (see what I did there?) in mind for rewards, with added incentives for completing multiple matches in a row and being the MVP. Loot crates were not mentioned in the recent patch notes, and as such they will likely still randomly drop the same way they have been all along. Given that the progression system is brand new, Psyonix could still decide to tweak something after receiving player feedback, though all in all the majority of these changes are likely here to stay.

Rocket League is now available for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

So, thoughts on Rocket League’s new progression system? Have you reached ‘Rocketeer’ yet? Let us know in the comments section below, and as always, stay tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers for all the latest gaming and entertainment news! Don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for our 24/7 news feed!

Ryan "Cinna" Carrier3026 Posts

Ryan is the Lead Editor for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he isn't writing, Ryan is likely considering yet another playthrough of Final Fantasy IX. He's also the DFTG cinnamon bun.


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