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Rocket League Chat Bans Coming Soon

If there’s a will to harass others, there always seems to be a way and that’s especially the case when competitive games open up methods for communication. However, developers are always trying to find a way to mitigate problematic behavior, and that’s what Psyonix is planning to do with their upcoming Spring update. With the introduction of the Rocket League Tournaments Mode, there’s a newfound way to communicate with other players. However, preparing for trolls and other problems, Psyonix will be introducing Rocket League chat bans to “identify and curb player abuse and harassment”.

This penalty is enforced if there is a violation to their code of conduct as seen here. Meaning throughout the duration of a game, the function to communicate via microphone will be unavailable to violators. The process for Rocket League chat bans are as follows:

Rocket League Chat Ban Process

  1. A player is reported for using abusive language in chat while playing an Online Match.

  2. Our system scans the complete chat log tied to the match in question.

  3. If a player is found to be using language that goes against the Code of Conduct, our system will then remove that player’s ability to chat in matches for a period of time, starting with 24 hours.

  4. Players can receive Chat Bans ranging from one day to up to one month.

  5. If a player continues to use abusive and harassing language after being Chat Banned for one month, they may start to receive Game Bans instead of additional Chat Bans

Penalized players can still utilize Quick Chat for necessary communication, which have a cool-down of 5 seconds per function. Fortunately for those still looking to talk it up with friends during private or party matches, those are excluded from the ban. It seems to be exclusive to public or competitive matches.

For more information on the additions Psyonix will be making to the game alongside the brand-new Tournaments Mode, check out the update here! What do you think about Rocket League chat bans? Do you think this is a good move for a competitive mode like this? Let us know what you think in the comments section below or start a conversation on DFTG Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here’s some of our latest:

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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