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The Resident Evil 2 Remake Looks Terrifying With Fixed Camera Angles (VIDEO)

Resident Evil 2

Somewhere in the development process for the Resident Evil 2 remake, Capcom decided to get rid of the fixed camera angles and instead allow players to enjoy the freedom that comes with an over-the-shoulder view. That said, what would the updated version look like had the developers kept the fixed angles?

Well, one creative modder, who goes by the name Enveloping Sounds, decided to answer that for everyone. Taking a bit of gameplay from both Leon’s and Claire’s stories, the mod brings back the fixed camera angles, which simply make everything more terrifying. Check out a bit from Leon’s side of things for yourself below:

Granted, the fixed camera angles of yesteryear posed some serious issues. Never you mind the terror that awaits around a corner you can’t quite see yet. You really need luck when it comes to keeping your blood pressure at a reasonable level because you keep switching back and forth between camera angles due to your character running around in circles despite your input. No, I don’t have personal experience with this… why do you ask?

One of the issues the modder brought up in a separate video was the lighting. If there is one thing Capcom capitalized on when recreating Resident Evil 2, it was making everything as dark as possible. So, when using fixed camera angles, one is likely going to see parts of the room they may have otherwise ignored. That’s why the modder had to get crafty and implement a bit of lighting. This much is apparent in the video from Claire’s perspective, which can be seen below:

It’s unknown if Enveloping Sounds plans to make a full version of the mod, but one can only hope for such terrifying glory. Resident Evil 2 is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as this story develops, and for other gaming goodness going on right now, check out the following:

What are you thinking, gamers? Would you get down on the Resident Evil 2 remake if it had fixed camera angles? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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