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New World Of Warcraft Expansion Leaked Ahead Of BlizzCon 2019

New World Of Warcraft Expansion Leaked Ahead Of BlizzCon 2019

The likes of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth and the throwback WoW Classic have offered fans plenty means for questing, but it appears they may have even more soon by the looks of a recent leak. According to a number of Blizzard Store images discovered by fans, a new WoW expansion appears to be on the way called ‘Shadowlands.’

As posted by Twitter user WeakAuras, two pieces of promotional art have been unveiled, both seemingly advertising an unannounced new expansion. The first image (via MMO Champion) depicts a t-shirt and limited edition art print merchandise for “WoW: Shadowlands,” the latter featuring what looks to be a rendering of Bolvar Fordragon, a.k.a. the Lich King. A second image shows off a full logo for Shadowlands, touting “the glorious land of Bastion,” “the noble Kyrian,” and the promise to “discover new abilities.” Check them out below.

Following these pair of leaks, yet another was posted by fellow Twitter user Miquelisme, who managed to find a full image of the aforementioned Bolvar artwork within the Blizzard website. They noted that the print was uncovered after simply altering the web address of an existing art print–in this case “Onxyia”–and changing the link to instead reference “Bolivar.” While the resulting image is no longer online, a simple trip through the Wayback Machine indeed confirms the artwork’s former existence.

All these images, while not a 100% confirmation, nonetheless paint a pretty intriguing picture regarding the next World of Warcraft expansion, it somehow involving Bolvar’s current stint as the Lich King. This leak comes only days before Blizzard’s annual BlizzCon event, which typically hosts the publisher’s biggest announcements of the year. Outside Shadowlands, several other reveals have been seemingly leaked in the last few days as well, including an Overwatch sequel, a remastered Diablo 2, as well as the long-awaited Diablo 4.

What do you think? Are you hyped for the apparent upcoming reveal of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, or is your attention focused elsewhere at the moment? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter and Facebook to be informed of the latest gaming and entertainment news 24 hours a day! For more headlines recently featured on DFTG, check out these next few news stories:

Eric Hall2712 Posts

Phone-browsing Wikipedia in one hand and clutching his trusty controller in the other, the legendary Eric Hall spreads his wealth of knowledge as a writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. Be sure to catch his biweekly "Throwback Thursday" segment for a nostalgic look at trivia from the past.


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