New Code Vein Screenshots Provide a Detailed Look at Characters, Skills, and Bosses (GALLERY)

Bandai Namco has revealed a collection of new Code Vein screenshots, which can be seen below, that teases players with more information of the world inside Code Vein such as bosses, creatures, and two traveling companions Mia Karnstein and Yakumo Shinonome. In a shambled, apocalyptic world filled with bloodthirsty creatures humans can pay a hefty price to fight for their lives. They can become Revenants, a vampiric race of individuals who wield formidable powers called Blood Veils at the cost of their memories.
In previous trailers and sneak peeks, gamers may have seen Mia Karnstein, the petite blonde woman who uses a long-range, “bayonet-styled” firearm. Her main combat strategy is to shoot and run as she looks for openings to lay down a counter attack, but her Blood Veil “Stinger” allows her coat to evolve into a “tail blade” that stabs enemies from afar. Mia travels Vein with her younger brother and will do whatever it takes to keep him safe.
A new character by the name of Yakumo Shinonome is introduced in the Code Vein screenshots as well, a red haired “former mercenary” who is “faithful” and “good at taking care of others”. At the same time, he is all too familiar with conducting himself in a calm and “professional manner during combat.” As seen in the screenshots, Yakumo’s Blood Veil is called “Hound”, allowing the generation of two armored wolf heads from his jacket sleeve. The reach is short with the wolves, but they offer “quick movements” and “wide range”, which is fantastic considering he uses a great sword to deal heavy, close-range attacks.
Code Vein is a third-person action RPG that finds players assuming the role of a Revenant. After stumbling into Vein, players embark into the world with a companion picked from the various residents of Vein to uncover lost memories and an exit out of this new demented reality. The world of Code Vein is dangerous, full of vicious enemies and monstrous bosses to put players’ combat skills to the test.”
Aside from the characters, two bosses are revealed. One looks like a behemoth-sized zombie reaver while the other looks like a gigantic moth woman. They’re both terrifying and huge so defeating them may not be an easy feat. It looks as though they won’t be short-lived encounters, that’s for sure.
Code Vein is anticipated to debut in 2018 for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. What do you think of these awesome new Code Vein screenshots? Are you hoping for more info to come down the pipeline soon? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below or start your own conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers official Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming news as they happen, follow us on Twitter! Here are some of our latest:
Hoi Duong2131 Posts
Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.