Mobile Suit Gundam Franchise Live-Action Movie Greenlit, First Details
The “Mecha” genre is one that’s been around for a long time and has garnered the hearts and imaginations of many fans. One of the earliest mecha animes out there is the famous Gundam franchise which has even become something of a cultural icon of Japan. While the franchise has been seen throughout multiple different types of media such as manga, anime, and video games, the giant robots of Gundam have not been presented in a live-action feature, until now.
Legendary Pictures has teamed up with Gundam’s Sunrise Inc. to produce the first ever live-action take on the property. This announcement was made at this year’s Anime Expo which kicked off today at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Legendary is no stranger to giant mecha battles having worked on two Pacific Rim films, making it an exciting feat for fans of the series.
The original Gundam series was set in the “Universal” Century where humanity has grown to the point where colonizing space is a must. Eventually the people of the space colony, known as the Principality of Zeon, declared their independence and subsequently began a war with the Earth Federation, resulting in half of humanity being wiped out. Throughout these conflicts, the Principality of Zeon employed the use of a humanoid weapon called a “mobile suit.” The series followed a young boy named Amuro Ray who stumbled upon a a prototype suit called the RX-78 Gundam, thus beginning his adventure.
So far the plot details for the film are hidden under wraps, however it wouldn’t be surprising to see some kind of origin story centered around that first Gundam series. Where do you think the film should take fans? Let us know your thoughts on the live-action Gundam film and more in the comments section below. As always, don’t forget to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter for 24/7 coverage of all things gaming and entertainment.
Chris Calles1560 Posts
Known as "Stash" or Yippee Calles. He's a student of everything, avid adrenaline junkie, and creator of random things. When he's not delving into a game, book, or movie - He's out teaching himself new things or taking part in some pretty epic adventures. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.