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Mass Effect Andromeda Patch 1.06 Goes Live – Focuses on Player-Reported Issues

It hasn’t been too long since the release of Mass Effect Andromeda, but it seems to be doing fairly well. Things got off to a rocky start when players were noticing glitches and less-than-stellar facial animations, but BioWare has been hard at work attempting to rectify any discrepancies. The latest fix arrives in the form of Mass Effect Andromeda Patch 1.06, which is now live on all platforms, and the brand new update provides a plethora of remedies to what has ailed players’ experiences. Let’s dive right in!

First, BioWare is continuing to improve the cinematic scenes in the game, “particularly in the opening hours.” To expand upon making performance and stability better, they have introduced a number of tweaks in the new Mass Effect Andromeda patch. More importantly, it appears they really wanted to focus on “player-reported issues”. This, of course, is always a good thing. Not only did they provide a ton of fixes for single-player, but they “also made changes to combat and multiplayer balance.” Here’s a handful of what to expect the next time gamers load up Andromeda:

  • Fixed issue that caused singleplayer difficulty to impact multiplayer
  • Fixed issue where SAM would mistakenly tell Ryder they have new email
  • Conversation options will no longer appear “greyed out” if new content is available
  • Fixed issues with player animations getting stuck when jumping or changing direction repeatedly
  • Fixed clipping issue on Sara Ryder’s casual jacket
  • Added graphics options to toggle Motion Blur and Depth of Field
  • Swapping a dead squadmate at a loadout will not cause them to die permanently
  • Fixed broken Nomad Shield Crafting mission
  • Fixed issue where Cora slowly fell back to the ground after charging an airborne enemy
  • Loading auto-save will not block progress after kett encounter near Site 1 power relay station

For the full list of the new Mass Effect Andromeda patch notes, check them out right here. As stated above, Patch 1.06 also provides fixes for combat and multiplayer balance issues. Mainly, a whole lot of weapons got buffed, including Passive, Biotic, Combat, and Tech powers, while enemies have been nerfed. To read the massive list of changes, check out the BioWare blog.

To top all of this off, those who possess either the Deluxe or Super Deluxe edition will obtain “two custom Nomad skins, a new casual Pathfinder outfit, and an exclusive multiplayer pack with a high chance of receiving an ultra-rare item.” Get out there, Pathfinders, and explore the galaxy in style! Or, hit the gym in this new athletic outfit:

New Mass Effect Andromeda patch

What say you, gamers? Excited for the new fixes detailed in the Mass Effect Andromeda patch notes? What else should BioWare be focusing on to improve the game? Let us know in the comments section below! As always, be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7. If it is more reading that you’re needing, check out the following:

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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