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Mario-Themed Playground From Make-A-Wish Is A Dream Come True (VIDEO)

Mario-Themed playground

The Make-A-Wish foundation is well known for taking the time to provide children with life-threatening medical conditions a chance to experience something uniquely memorable at their request. One such child, 14-year-old Jake Lebrene, was recently given the opportunity from the Northeastern California and Northern Nevada wing of the charity to have his own “wish”. His response was to have a Super Mario-themed playground built for him to play on.

Jake was born without a pulmonary valve in his heart. The condition had caused many health issues over the years that in some cases has required surgeries. His favorite game, Super Mario, gave him a chance to escape in a world where he could run and jump and play without worrying about his illness. Getting the opportunity to build his own Mario-Themed playground through Make-A-Wish was definitely a dream come true and the tear-jerking video below is a testament to that:

In the video above, viewers get a peek into the life of Jake Lebrene and his family. When he was asked what he wanted, he designed his own playground and Make-A-Wish provided architects that helped the 14-year-old realize his dream design. The Mario-Themed playground was unveiled to him with a party and the results were spectacular!

The Super Mario-themed playground is just one of the many things the US-based charity has done for children across the country. For those interested in learning more about the Make-A-Wish Foundation, check out their website here. The charity is always accepting donations and even has monthly enrollment.

What do you think about the playground? Join in on the conversation in the comments section below! As always, don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

Charles Douglas734 Posts

Deep in the mountains of the south west lives a man who writes game editorials, makes YouTube Videos, and is an overall mega nerd. An avid believer in Unicorns, and your new all star line backer, Number 34, CHARLES DOUGLAAAAAAASSSS!!!!


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