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Lead Writer Michael Chu, Discusses the New Web Comic and Overwatch Diversity

A couple days ago we discussed the newest Overwatch comic, Reflections. We were very excited about the coming out of Tracer being one of the LGBT characters that we were promised a while back and getting a chance to glimpse into what the holidays are like for our favorite heroes. Well one gaming site was actually able to speak with the game’s Lead Writer, Michael Chu, about his thoughts and feelings. Overwatch diversity has always been boasted and with such a variety of characters, there is always at least one hero that you can relate to. Chu speaks about how they are inspired by the world and different cultures and how they draw from that to make their game as diverse as possible.

“I think what we were really inspired by was all the diversity in our world… Different cultures, history, the different pop-cultures that are in different places, like anime and manga, movies and comic books… we wanted to take inspiration from all these things.”

The comic series from Blizzard’s website is helping to go deeper into the individual characters lives and personalities. Chu seemed excited to show the heroes in their everyday lives.

“What we were really excited about in this comic is that we don’t often get a chance to see the personal lives of the characters… I think when we were talking about what a holiday comic could be, we thought this was a really great opportunity to see those characters away from the battlefield and see their friends, families and loved-ones. Just see them in a slightly different setting.”

Chu also discussed their process for deciding characters to be added to the game. Here he discusses the thought process that led to Ana,

“What about a skill-based support healer?… We’d gone through a lot of different ideas; our lead hero designer Jeff Goodman had suggested an alchemist. I don’t remember exactly how it came up, but someone threw out ‘what about Ana, she was a sniper,’ and we were like ‘oh we can’t do that because we already have Widowmaker, how is that going to work?’ Ana was a character we were talking about years before. When we were talking about Pharah’s character, we wanted her parents to be like a really big influence on her as a character, and we were like ‘cool, we have this character called Ana and she’s really important,’ but I don’t think we ever thought she’d end up in the game. But because of this game idea, we got the opportunity.”

Unfortunately if you’re from Russia, you won’t be able to see the comic. Blizzard had decided not to publish Reflections in Russia, because of “the climate in Russia and Legal feedback.” Although if you are in Russia and care about the Overwatch diversity, you could always find clips of it on the internet somewhere.

overwatch diversity

Are you a fan of the Overwatch diversity? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below and follow DFTG of Twitter for all your gaming news! In case you didn’t read our other article about Reflections, you can check it out here!

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