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Fortnite Update Adds Suppressed Sniper Rifle, Boom Box Tweaks, And More


The holidays are over and a new year has begun, which means it’s time for the grind to resume. The team over at Epic Games is certainly getting back into the swing of things, and with the latest Fortnite update, it’s apparent that they mean business.

The new Suppressed Sniper Rifle is perfect for anyone looking to take out enemies from afar without being discovered too easily. In regards to other weapons, the Six Shooter has officially been vaulted, while Dual Pistols have made their return to the popular title. In addition to this, the Uncommon, Common, and Rare variants of the Burst Assault Rifle have all been vaulted.

Boom Boxes have been nerfed, with their health reduced from 600 to 400 and their duration being reduced from 25 seconds to 18 seconds. The X-4 Stormwing has also received a handful of tweaks to hopefully make them a bit more appealing to players.

As always, Save the World and Creative have each been given a few goodies of their own, which can be seen below in the patch notes. Fortnite is currently available on Mac, PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, Xbox One, Android, and iOS devices. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as this story develops, and for other gaming goodness going on right now, check out the following:

What say you, gamers? Are you glad to see these changes added to Fortnite? What else should Epic Games be focusing on? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7! Without further ado, let’s check out the latest patch notes:



14 Days of Fortnite has been extended for a limited time! For the next week, drop in and complete any Challenges you may have missed out on to earn in-game rewards.

We’ll also be featuring some of the most popular Limited Time Modes that have been available over the past two weeks. Log in each day to find out which modes are available to explore.


  • Suppressed Sniper Rifle added.
    • Available in Epic and Legendary variants.
    • Can be found from chests, floor loot, Vending Machines, and Supply Drops.
    • A single shot, scoped sniper rifle.
    • The suppressor makes for a quieter shot, trading stealth for power.
      • Deals 100/105 base damage
  • Six Shooter has been vaulted.
  • The following variants of the Burst Assault Rifle have been vaulted:
    • Uncommon, Common, Rare
  • Dual Pistols have been unvaulted.
  • Dynamite drop rate reduced by 40%.
  • Boom Box adjustments:
    • Drop rate reduced by 33%.
    • Health reduced from 600 to 400.
    • Duration reduced from 25 seconds to 18 seconds.


  • X-4 Stormwing adjustments:
    • The knockback a player receives after being hit by a Stormwing has been decreased by 70%.
    • Damage done to the Stormwing from colliding with structures has been increased by 50%.
      • Impact damage reduction while boosting through structures reduced from 50% to 25%
    • Increased the spread of the Stormwing machine gun by 75%.
    • Stormwing spawn chance has been decreased to 80% from 100%.
  • Supply Drop health has been reduced to 250/500/750 (Solo/Duo/Squad).

Bug Fixes

  • The X-4 Stormwing is no longer able to fly above the max build limit.


This is an early release so you may experience client crashes, loss of progress, or other unexpected errors.


  • Suppressed Sniper Rifle added to Creative Inventory Weapons
    • Available in Epic and Legendary variants.
    • A single shot, scoped sniper rifle.
    • The suppressor makes for a quieter shot, trading stealth for power.
      • Deals 100/105 base damage



  • Santa’s Little Helper will be available in the Weekly Store
    • Launches explosive presents that damage and knockback groups of enemies. Does not consume ammo, but has very low durability.
    • Available from January 9 at 7 PM ET until January 16 at 7 PM ET.
  • The Popshot Shotgun will be available as a Frostnite Weekly Challenge reward
    • A rapid firing low capacity semi-auto shotgun


  • Weekly Frostnite Challenge 2: Burn Bright
    • Time between enemy waves is drastically reduced. Use your time wisely!
    • Weekly Frostnite Challenge 1 Quest rewards include:
      • Challenge Banner 2
      • Popshot Shotgun
      • Snowflake Tickets

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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