Fortnite: Chapter 2 Officially Goes Live, New Battle Pass Revealed (VIDEO)

Following the map-enveloping end of Season 10, Fortnite left fans wondering when the battle royale title will finally make its grand reappearance. For over 24 hours, not a peep has been heard from Epic Games or even the game itself regarding its all-but-confirmed new season, leaving little more than sparse clues hinting at when the hangeover will take place. All that silence appears to have ended with the big unveiling of the 11th seasonal outing dubbed Fortnite: Chapter 2.
As seen in the new launch trailer below, Fortnite finally emerged from the black hole and arrived in the midst of an expensive new map. Teased by Epic Games, the updated experience encourages players to “drop into a new world” and “explore an all-new island featuring 13 new locations.” New aquatic-themed gameplay such as swimming, fishing, and motorboats are confirmed to be part of the proceedings alongside a “streamlined arsenal” of weapons able to be upgraded “using resources at the upgrade bench.”
The big update boasts new changes to shooting such a reconfigured HUD design, the addition of combustible barrels, as well as hideout-specific areas like haystacks and dumpsters. Squad support is another touted focus, with Epic describing the ability to carry downed teammates, debuting group emotes like the High-Five, and a party-healing rocket launcher called the Bandage Bazooka. The game’s Battle Pass is also getting an overhaul; featuring “a brand new XP system and medals you earn in a match,” allowing more opportunities to level-up than ever before.
Touting new content like skins, equipment, and loading screens, the Epic Games website explained, “Battle Pass progression has been updated to give you more ways to level up, earn XP, and Medals from a variety of in-game activities like searching chests, eliminating opponents, completing challenges, and more!” Another new trailer highlights several of these Battle Pass additions debuted in Fortnite: Chapter 2 (including a nifty llama pogo stick), which can be seen in the video below.
As Fortnite only just came back from the dark, it’s still unclear what else the new update may have in store for players. Quite the exciting array of improvements have been made available already, with the gigantic new map appearing to hold a pretty elegant balance of both fresh and familiar landmarks. As if users weren’t eager to get back into the battle royale already, the Fortnite: Chapter 2 update would seem to offer even more reasons to drop in and get a feel for Fortnite’s new digs.
Downtime has ended, let’s go! #FortniteChapter2
— Fortnite News (@FortniteBR) October 15, 2019
Fortnite: Chapter 2 is now available to play for Android, iOS, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
What do you think? Are you excited to check out Chapter 2 of Fortnite, or are you already missing the classic Chapter 1 version of the map? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter and Facebook to be informed of the latest gaming and entertainment news 24 hours a day! For more headlines recently featured on DFTG, check out these next few news stories:
Eric Hall2712 Posts
Phone-browsing Wikipedia in one hand and clutching his trusty controller in the other, the legendary Eric Hall spreads his wealth of knowledge as a writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. Be sure to catch his biweekly "Throwback Thursday" segment for a nostalgic look at trivia from the past.