Fallout 76 Players Are Griefing Fallout 1st Subscribers

Since the launch of Bethesda’s subscription service Fallout 1st, the company has been a hot topic in the games industry. From the hefty price of $99 a year to the various bugs and issues players have reported, there’s division within the community itself that goes as far as Fallout 76 players griefing those of whom have bought into the service.
There have been numerous reports of Fallout 1st members being targeted in adventure mode. As seen on this Fallout 76 sub-reddit thread, anyone seen waltzing around the Appalachia are being targeted for buying into Bethesda’s greedy ploys. A few are calling the division between regular players and Fallout 1st subscribers a “class war” as not all can relinquish funds for a game to that degree.
With more than 8.4 thousand up-votes, it’s a hot and controversial topic that’s making rounds inside the community. With all of that said and done, there are players that don’t believe griefing is the answer.
For those still unsure about what’s going on – Fallout 1st is a subscription service implemented by Bethesda to bring willing consumers in Fallout 76 a multitude of benefits. Fallout 1st includes private worlds, unlimited storage for crafting component, and convenient goods to make survival in the wasteland relatively tolerable. However, major criticism rained down on the list of benefits with outspoken players that believe several of which should come as a core feature to the in-game experience.
Personally, I don’t think anyone should be harassed for a personal financial decision on a game, but there’s plenty who may disagree. What do you think about all the hubbub in the Fallout 76 community? Are you a Fallout 1st subscriber? Let us know what you think in the comments section below or start a conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming and entertainment news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here are some of our latest:
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Fallout 76 is available to play on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
Hoi Duong2131 Posts
Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.