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Fallout 76 Adds Player Shops And Legendary Exchange Machines In Next Update

Last month, Fallout 76 added a sweet backpack designs and introduced Pioneer Scouts, the Fallout equivalent of scout organizations in the United States. However, the shortage of children interested in joining the cause during the Great War forced their numbers to shrink, and they’re excited to see anyone join at this point. In the upcoming patch 9, Bethesda is adding player-run shops and legendary exchange machines!

Called “player vending machines,” Bethesda gives players the chance to seize entrepreneurial opportunities in the Appalachia! Dwellers can turn their C.A.M.P.s into marketplaces, selling the items you find during your march around the vast landscape and sell them for a bit of side cash. Not too shabby. Of course, that means players can visit other Dweller C.A.M.P.s to peruse their makeshift emporium as well. Furthermore, patch 9 brings Legendary Exchange Machines! Here are all the details on both additions below straight from the source:

Legendary Exchange Machines

  • The Purveyor is a new Mole Miner vendor who will be making her way to the Wasteland later this month, but she doesn’t deal in Caps. When she opens the doors to her shop, you’ll be able to exchange a new type of currency, called Legendary Scrip, for legendary items. To help you prepare for the Purveyor’s arrival, we’re adding Legendary Exchange Machines that you can use to break down your unwanted legendary items and turn them into Scrip.

Player Vending Machines

  • Once you build a Vending Machine, you can assign items to it directly from your Stash and choose the Cap prices you’d like buyers to pay for them. Items you place in your Vending Machine will remain in your Stash, but they will also display a new vending icon next to their names so that it’s easy to identify what you’ve marked for sale at a glance. You will receive a notification whenever a buyer snatches up one of your wares. Caps from your sale, minus a nominal fee of 10% to maintain a healthy in-game economy, will be added to your Cap balance.
  • Of course, to run a successful business, you’ll need to advertise! When you build and power a Vending Machine, your C.A.M.P. location will appear to all players on the map as long as you aren’t currently Wanted. When others hover over your C.A.M.P. on the map, they’ll see your name and player icon, as well as the number and types of items you have marked for sale. If you’ve got lots of goods or rare items, and set fair prices, your shop will likely have a few new visitors.

That’s not all that is heading to Fallout 76 with the launch of Patch 9 arriving on May 7th. A wide array of weapon balances, updates on survival scoreboards, and the addition of display cases as well. For all the details on that and more, make sure to check out the blog post here.

Any thoughts on the recent patches for Fallout 76 so far? What are you hoping Bethesda will bring on board in the future? Let us know what you think in the comments section below or start a conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming and entertainment news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here are some of our latest:

Fallout 76 is available now on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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