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Devil May Cry 5 Is 75% Completed – More Details Coming Soon

The reveal of Devil May Cry 5 came as a pleasant surprise for folks tuning into the Microsoft E3 press conference a couple weeks back. Based on the trailer, it looks like we’ll be playing as Nero again and suiting up to take down more demons for some more stylish shootin’ and slicin’. The newest entry in the beloved series received the spotlight in a recent spread in Famitsu, revealing a few more tantalizing details. As it turns out, the game is already 75% done and that players will be facing possibly the strongest villain the series has ever seen.

The game’s narrative revolves around a new locale “Red Grave City”, a reference to the pseudonym used by Dante in Tokyopop’s novel publication, where a demonic tree has sprouted and a full-scale invasion of hellbeasts has overrun the city. Nero will face the chaos with his new companion, the sassy southern Cybernetics expert Nico. Nico is the granddaughter of Nell Goldstein, the gunsmith behind the iconic Ebony & Ivory pistols Dante uses throughout the series.

She also created Nero’s new toy, the Devil Breaker that replaces his Devil Bringer arm from DMC4. The new hardware looks like it has a few upgrades allowing detachable abilities like a handy hoverboard. There are even purchasable upgrades available throughout the game to modify the Devil Breaker however he’d like. A number of other tweaks have been made to ensure the player has a lot of fun playing as Nero!

Other items of interest from the spread include the fact that the game runs on the fantastic RE engine that powered Resident Evil 7. Additionally, series veterans Hideaki Itsuno and Tatsuya Yoshikawa will return to direct and design Characters respectively!

While I certainly didn’t expect a sequel to DMC4 to be a marquee title at E3, it’s a welcome surprise! It is admittedly odd that the series seems to be abandoning the rebooted continuity established in DmC (2013), but who can really say at this point? We certainly will have more details on Devil May Cry 5’s  when it releases in Spring 2019.  Check out some news about its upcoming demo release and be sure to follow us on Twitter for any updates!


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