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Cyberpunk 2077 Release Rumored To Hit Soon With Massive Marketing Push

Cyberpunk 2077 Release

CD Projekt RED has been teasing the release of their next ambitious RPG Cyberpunk 2077 for a number of years now, so much so that it feels like we’ll have to wait until the actual year 2077 to experience the futuristic sci-fi adventure. Perhaps that may not be the case if a new rumor is to be believed, as it says the Cyberpunk 2077 release may be closer than we think, and could possibly arrive as early as this year.

According to the report from Strefainwestorow (via GamingBolt), CD Projekt RED has been riding the money train with the success of The Witcher III and the game’s whopping $200 million revenue in 2017 enabled the developer to be listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. These huge earnings allowed CDPR stakeholders a $30 million (PLN 1.05 per share) dividend last year, but the rumor states the game maker won’t be doing the same for 2018 as they have bigger plans for that money instead.

The report suggests the company will use these funds to launch a massive marketing campaign for the Cyberpunk 2077 release, with the expectedly large earnings from game sales making up for the high cost. In the past, as with their previous game The Witcher III, promotion was paid for through investment from distributors, making the current, more direct route a much bigger risk on the part of CD Projekt RED. It at least shows how much confidence they have in the final product.

The fact that money could already be set aside for pre-release could also mean the game’s arrival is closer than previously expected. CD Projekt RED has already confirmed a showing at E3 2018, with a probability of new Cyberpunk 2077 footage supposedly showcasing at the event. If this new rumor has truth to it, this platform may be the most opportune place to announce an imminent Cyberpunk 2077 release.

Of course, speculation is still what we’re doing at the end of the day, as most anything unconfirmed by developers should be considered as such. Still, with the recent influx of official information about the game, something big does seem to be on the horizon, and whether that does mean an E3 appearance or another 59 years of waiting, we’ll just have to wait and see.

What do you think? Are you hopeful the Cyberpunk 2077 release is happening in 2018, or should CD Projekt RED take as long as possible to ensure the best experience? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter to be informed of the latest gaming and entertainment news 24 hours a day! For more from the latest gaming and entertainment news 24 hours a day! For some more of the latest Cyberpunk 2077 news, check out these next few links:

Eric Hall2712 Posts

Phone-browsing Wikipedia in one hand and clutching his trusty controller in the other, the legendary Eric Hall spreads his wealth of knowledge as a writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. Be sure to catch his biweekly "Throwback Thursday" segment for a nostalgic look at trivia from the past.


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