Battlefield 2042 Playtest Leakers May Get Banned From The Final Game

Ahead of the game’s proper open beta next month, Battlefield 2042 began a closed playtest this past weekend, and almost like clockwork, gameplay clips and screenshots quickly began to leak from the invite-only session. As DICE and Electronic Arts scramble to scrub the internet of footage, the company has now publically reminded participants of the playtest’s rules, warning a swift ban may be in order for any sneaky leakers out there — not only from future tests, but the final game as well.
|6.| Break the rules, expect to lose access to both the Technical Playtest, future EA Tests, and potentially access to 2042 itself when it releases.
We’ve already removed plenty of people from the Playtest in these past 48 hours, and they won’t be able to play this weekend.
— Freeman ?️? (@PartWelsh) August 13, 2021
Lead community manager at EA Studios Europe, Adam Freeman, iterated these guidelines in a thread post on social media, suggesting anyone caught not being a “good egg” would “lose access to both the Technical Playtest, future EA Tests, and potentially access to 2042 itself when it releases.” Freeman also confirmed “plenty of people” have already met this fate since the playtest began, and therefore, “won’t be able to play this weekend.” A similar warning was extended to account sharing as well, suggesting it would “end badly” for all involved. “Super Badly.”
|4| Codes for Xbox have started to roll out, and if you’re thinking about sharing them to a friend, don’t – they won’t work.
You also don’t want to share your account information with folks either, that’s going to end badly for you.
Super Badly.
— Freeman ?️? (@PartWelsh) August 13, 2021
As noted by the community manager, anyone sharing footage or screenshots from this weekend’s Battlefield 2042 playtest would be breaking their non-disclosure agreement (NDA), a binding contract that legally prohibits players from sharing confidential information. As this particular test session was of a ‘closed’ and ‘invite-only’ variety, players undoubtedly would have been required to follow these types of terms, preventing content like gameplay, screenshots, and even opinions from being shared before the experience is ready.
The playtest began to roll out on Thursday, starting with PC users and extending to Xbox as the weekend progressed. Unfortunately, a last-minute snag meant PlayStation 5 would be officially cut from the proceedings, with the absence owed to an unspecified “critical issue.” Though the problem is said to be identified by devs, it doesn’t look like a fix will arrive in time for the playtest, and the next-gen platform will instead be saved for “any future playtests [EA] might do.”
|2.1| Thanks to folks on PlayStation who initially signed up, keep an eye on the EA Playtesting website for any future playtests we might do.
We recruit all of our Testers from here, for all games across EA. So sign up!
— Freeman ?️? (@PartWelsh) August 13, 2021
While it’s currently unclear when another closed playtest may occur, fans have a tangible opportunity to play Battlefield 2042 early in an open beta session scheduled for sometime in September. Though specifics about this test are also in the air at the moment, those who pre-ordered any of the game’s various editions are guaranteed to have “early access” to the open beta. Similarly, pre-purchasing one of the available special editions will also unlock early access to the full game ahead of launch.
Battlefield 2042 releases for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S on October 22nd.
What do you think? Do you think bans could result in fewer leaks for Battlefield 2042, or is this type of thing inevitable in this day and age? Are you looking forward to the open beta? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter and Facebook to be informed of the latest gaming and entertainment news 24 hours a day! For more pre-release test headlines recently featured on DFTG, check out these next few news stories:
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Phone-browsing Wikipedia in one hand and clutching his trusty controller in the other, the legendary Eric Hall spreads his wealth of knowledge as a writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. Be sure to catch his biweekly "Throwback Thursday" segment for a nostalgic look at trivia from the past.