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Anthem: New Details On Co-Op And Solo Missions

Over the weekend, BioWare Executive Producer Mark Darrah took to Twitter to answer some questions on various aspects of Anthem. Since the beginning of the month, Darrah has been answering a good amount of questions directed towards him regarding the highly anticipated game. While we won’t see Anthem until later in 2019, players are chomping at the bit for new information.

Darrah spoke briefly in his answers for each question, but there is a good amount of range to what was asked at least. First up, he elaborated on single player missions:

Whether or not there will be first- and third-person options:

On whether or not there will be an in-game auction house:

On the player count required for Anthem‘s high-level PvE areas called Strongholds:

He also clarified a few other things regarding Strongholds, saying there will be matchmaking. Similar to the Dungeon Finder for games like World of Warcraft:

Darrah ended this recent round of answering fan questions last night by talking a little bit about mission structure:

Whew, that’s a lot of Tweets. With Anthem purportedly arriving next year, and given what we heard about how much is at stake for this game, it seems a bit fast and loose for an EA game. This certainly is an odd way of doling out info for a game this high profile, but it also shows that BioWare developers aren’t reluctant to talk directly to their community. We’ll certainly find out if the beloved studio can pull this off when Anthem releases February 22nd, 2019 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Are you following Mark Darrah’s perpetual Q&A session on Twitter? If so, what are the bits of information you’ve found most interesting? Be sure to also give us a follow on Twitter for any video game news and anything Anthem related! Check out these other fantastic stories from Don’t Feed the Gamers:


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