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Another Ubisoft Setback With Watch_Dogs 2 DLC Delays

Watch_Dogs 2 has had its fair share of bumps since the November release. First, the game was pushed back to a later date on PC so that the developers could implement many requested features like high definition rendering and 4k resolution support. While PC players were waiting for their chance to take a hack at the game, reports started filtering in regards to issues with the “seamless online multiplayer” often advertised hand in hand with the base game. As soon as the multiplayer bugs were identified, online services on consoles were shut down for about a week after launch.

Perhaps these bad publicity situations are some of the reasons that Watch_Dogs 2 has had a sales record that even sags behind its predecessor. With each problem encountered, the public starts to lose faith in a franchise and in Ubisoft themselves for being capable of delivering the product promised. With concerns over a hostile takeover by Vivendi entertainment and recent charges of insider trading among CEOs, the last thing Ubisoft needs right now is bad press.

watch_dogs 2 coop

With all of this in mind, it was announced that the first DLC for Watch_Dogs 2, originally planned for a release date of December 13th has been delayed for all platforms to December 22 on PS4 and January 24th on Xbox One and PC. This decision was made because the development team was behind schedule due to patching unforeseen bugs in multiplayer.

This and previous patches were an important step towards stabilizing Watch Dogs 2’s seamless multiplayer functionality, and other core online features, before releasing any new multiplayer content. Since these updates required additional development resources, we’ve made the decision to adjust our release schedule for that new content.

The first DLC titled the T-Bone Content Bundle is to include Raymond Kenny’s clothing, his deadly bulldozer bus, and a new Mayhem co-op challenge. It has not been stated whether or not these setbacks will alter the release schedule for other Watch_Dogs 2 content.

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What do you think about this most recent delay for Watch_Dogs 2? Were you all in on the season pass, or were you waiting to see how the game was before you committed all of your chips? Hit us up with your opinion in the comments section and don’t forget to make DFTG your number one source for gaming news!

Joshua Hogg73 Posts

Depending on who you ask, Josh's obsession with video games may or may not be entirely healthy. Frequently bankrupting himself to get the next fix, he indiscriminately jumps from game to game, perhaps searching for that perfect title that will leave him eternally satisfied.


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