FFXV and Dead Rising Parody Red Dead Teaser – Spoofs are Everywhere

UPDATE TO ORIGINAL STORY: The official announcement dropped at 06:00 PT on October 18th that we will see a Red Dead Redemption 2 title drop in Fall of 2017.

Perhaps the most talked about story in gaming the past two days has come from two minimalist images with no description. Rockstar has hinted at a new project related to their Red Dead franchise via their Twitter Account, first on Sunday with a photo of their logo amidst a red background, and then again with an image of seven silhouetted figures dressed in western gear walking away from a sunset sky.

Naturally, the rest of the internet is being quick to capitalize on this excitement by producing renditions of these now infamous images. Final Fantasy XV’s official Twitter account uploaded an image within hours of Rockstar’s second Red Dead teaser image. Theirs consisted of the upcoming RPG’s four lead characters, Noctis, Prompto, Ignis and Gladiolus, in silhouetted poses ahead of a crimson sunset sky similar to one in the Rockstar photo seen above.

A few hours later, Dead Rising’s official Twitter account joined suit by uploading their version of the teaser photo. Theirs had Frank West, protagonist of the first and upcoming fourth entries in the Dead Rising series, centered in front of the red sky backdrop, while he holds a barbed wire baseball bat that images from the next Dead Rising game picture him with, as hordes of the undead approach from both sides of the frame.


Stories such as these are among my favorite things about gaming culture, when our collective excitement collides with our ability to have creative fun with the current source of fixation in our culture, no matter what it is.

Many believe that we will likely receive another Red Dead teaser image some time early tomorrow, 10/18, and possibly more in the days to follow. Be sure to check out our further coverage of these Rockstar posts here on Don’t Feed the Gamers, and other parody posts, such as this one that Exec. Producer Mark Darrah of the Dragon Age franchise posted related to Dragon Age.

Cory Lara2137 Posts

A royally radical and totally tubular 90s kid, Cory has a passion for all things nerdy, particularly gaming and nostalgia. While an accountant by day, he strives to be as creative and humorous as possible in his free time, be it here writing on Don't Feed the Gamers, or making dumb satirical posts on his Twitter, Youtube, Facebook and Instagram accounts.


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