Turtle Rock Studios and Perfect World Entertainment Team Up for New ‘Dark Fantasy’ First Person Shooter

With the unfortunate discontinuation of Evolve, made official in late October of this year, it’s a sigh of relief knowing that Turtle Rock Studios already has another IP (intellectual property) in development. Just as Valve took over responsibilities for the Left 4 Dead series, 2K Games will be taking over Evolve. This time around, they will be collaborating with Perfect World Entertainment, known for Neverwinter (Dungeons & Dragons MMO), and Star Trek Online. According to an interview with GameIndustry, the new project intends to be a free-to-play, first-person shooter with an overall ‘dark fantasy’ theme. Co-founder of Turtle Rock Studios, Phil Robb, said:
We are developing a new franchise set in an all new universe that leverages the style of gameplay our community loves and expects from Turtle Rock Studios. We’re focusing on what we do best – heart-pounding moment-to-moment online co-op FPS action.
With Perfect World Entertainment as a partner, Robb is confident that both studios will be able to cater to the players expectations. The large focus for them will center around heavily considering player feedback, and “growing the game based on how they play and interact.” Robb wants to make sure that players understand that they will come first, and Turtle Rock Studios will listen. The company they are partnering up with, Perfect World, work on MMOs and cooperative games almost exclusively. And, part of making a successful game is improving it according to player experience.
Steve Goldstein, President and General Manager of Turtle Rock Studios, wanted to clear up any misconceptions, understanding that expectations may be high. He wants gamers to know that this new project might seem like a sequel, but he wants the title to be judged on its own – as a standalone new franchise. Goldstein continued describing the new IP, saying:
What we can say is that we are definitely going back to our moment-to-moment gameplay roots with a huge focus on co-op FPS. There will be plenty of baddies to shoot up, but it is not a ‘zombie game’ or anything post-apocalyptic. What we can say right now is there’s a strong dark fantasy element to it.
Their shift from single-purchase to free-to-play has been a new and rewarding experience. Knowing their position as an independent developing company, “boxed products” did not bring in the numbers they needed to see. Goldstein realizes that, as a smaller company, it is hard to compete with the process of entities like Blizzard. The demands of the gaming world have shifted. Simply put, expectations are higher and a different approach is needed to satisfy players, and to stay within the means of their budget.
What do you think the premise of the new IP will be? What do you think of Goldstein’s take on Free-to-Play games? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!
Hoi Duong2131 Posts
Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.