Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Highlights Stabbomancer And Brr-Zerker Classes

Announced as an over-the-top tabletop-inspired spin-off of the Borderlands series, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands has looked to be a gloriously unique iteration of the looter-shooter formula, with fan-favorite character Tina acting as the title’s chaotic great “Bunker Master.” As the game inches to release, developer Gearbox has divulged new information about the title’s starting classes, specifically the Brr-Zerker and Stabbomancer classes.
As per the Wonderlands website, the blade-favoring Stabbomancers are described as “sneaky, Critical-hit-focused assassins” with the power to summon “summon magic whirling blades,” operate with “superior speed,” and “disappear into the shadows at will.” Members of the stabby class to are also designated “jacks of all trades, masters of none,” being adaptable enough to handle Guns, Melee Weapons, and Spells, but deemed “fragile” to enemy attacks.
On the other hand, Brr-Zerkers are characterized as “tenacious Frost-infused bruisers” who pair their cold skillset with “brutal, up-close-and-personal melee attacks.” Trained from “a long line of ancestors” to “withstand and even harness the bitter cold of icy winters,” Brr-Zerkers fight can channel frost powers through their weapons to “freeze and shatter their enemies” and can also summon “occult magic” to enable “leeching life from fallen foes.”
A brisk overview of the two formidable classes can be seen in the footage below.
Similar to Borderlands, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands involves venturing on violent loot-yielding missions with up to four distinct adventurers. The spin-off’s tabletop aspirations shake things up for this latest outing, bringing to life a larger-than-life tabletop-like overworld and a substantial customization system. Offering previously unexplored options, the feature comprises players’ appearance; weapon, spell and melee variety; and (of course) a class-based stat system.
In addition to this new Stabbomancer and Brr-Zerker showcase, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands game director Matt Cox explained the process behind customization options in a new developer blog post. “We wanted to make sure that those options were plentiful enough and had the ring of what it feels like to create your own character, with the allocation of Hero Points and the multiclassing later on in the campaign,” Cox said. “Being able to express yourself in the game was a giant goal that I think is another big inspiration from tabletop games.”
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands releases March 22nd, 2022 for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
What do you think? Are you excited about the D&D-esque offerings of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, or are you pretty burnt out on the Borderlands experience for the time being? Are you more wondering about what’s happening with the Borderlands movie? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter and Facebook to be informed of the latest gaming and entertainment news 24 hours a day!
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Eric Hall2712 Posts
Phone-browsing Wikipedia in one hand and clutching his trusty controller in the other, the legendary Eric Hall spreads his wealth of knowledge as a writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. Be sure to catch his biweekly "Throwback Thursday" segment for a nostalgic look at trivia from the past.