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Shigeru Miyamoto Expresses Regret About Minecraft (VIDEO)

Shigeru Miyamoto

Shigeru Miyamoto recently sat down with Glixel for an interview, where he discussed things such as Mario, working together with the same group of people for over 30 years, and Minecraft, along with many other things. Some of you may be wondering to yourself who exactly is Shigeru Miyamoto? Well, Miyamoto is the creator of beloved video game franchises and iconic characters such as Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, and more. At this point, you are definitely wondering why he may have any regret about Minecraft, which was developed by Mojang. Well, to put it simply, it’s because Nintendo didn’t make it. He has this to say on the title:

“I do like Minecraft, but really more from the perspective of the fact that I really feel like that’s something we should have made. We had actually done a lot of experiments that were similar to that back in the N64 days and we had some designs that were very similar. It’s really impressive to me to see how they’ve been able to take that idea and turn it into a product.”

Knowing everything that Miyamoto has been involved with, it makes you wonder what the N64 version of the popular title could have been. Would there have been sewer pipes and mushrooms everywhere? Would we have been able to create wonderful works of art throughout Hyrule? Would there have been an over-sized turtle with anger issues constantly trying to kidnap the love of your life? The world may never know. What we do know, however, is that Shigeru Miyamoto wishes he could have been the one to turn the concept into a product for audiences to enjoy.

Considering the amount of success Miyamoto has achieved, it may be safe to say that not creating a Minecraft-like title of his own has worked out just fine. With franchises of his still going strong, Shigeru doesn’t know when he’ll give up his seat at the table. When asked about retiring and the rumor of his retirement a few years ago, he said:

“There was a misunderstanding around my supposed retirement. Really at the time what we were talking about was giving more opportunity and more leadership opportunity to younger people in the company.”

Instead of solely being the leader, they bring up-and-comers to the table and let them head a project. This is a great idea considering we don’t know when Miyamoto will actually retire and focus on his furniture building, which he does in a his spare time. The process of allowing younger people to be put into a leadership role can help Nintendo find an exceptional replacement when Shigeru calls it quits. However, one project that Shigeru Miyamato has been very much involved with is the Nintendo title for mobile, Super Mario RunYou can check out a video for that down below.

What do you think, gamers? Do you believe a Minecraft-like title would have been great on the N64? Do you think it would have been not so great? Drop a comment in the section that is designed for such a thing below. Of course, you may want to stick around for a second and check out when the Nintendo Switch was debuted on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. It looks just as beautiful as we thought it would and the transition from dock to handheld seems entirely seamless. Lastly, don’t forget to check out DFTG on Twitter. We bring the tweets with every new piece published so you’ll know when we got a fresh news pie, hot out of the oven, the moment it becomes available.

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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