Red Dead Redemption 2 Update Offers a Ton of New Bug Fixes and Balance Changes

Red Dead Redemption 2 is off to quite an impressive start, with some players already getting their first taste of the Red Dead Online beta over the past few days. Now, with a few weeks having gone by since the Western game’s release, the developer has released a massive new update that addresses numerous bugs and mission-related issues.
Labeled as Red Dead Redemption 2 title update 1.01, the patch is officially live for both PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. In addition to the numerous bug fixes, the update also adds full player access to the Red Dead Online beta. Here are some of the story related patch notes:
Red Dead Redemption 2 Title Update 1.01
Story Missions – PS4, Xbox One
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Outlaws from the West’ where players could get stuck by repeatedly punching the NPC during interrogation
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Outlaws from the West’ where the horse could get stuck in the barn
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Outlaws from the West’ where players could get stuck duelling
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Enter, Pursued by a Memory’ where the mission would not fail after players pushed their Companion off of a cliff
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to move after completing the mission ‘Enter, Pursued by a Memory’
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Americans At Rest’ where players could become stuck in the view of their satchel during the fight
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Polite Society, Valentine Style’ where players could become invisible after retrying a checkpoint
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Money Lending and Other Sins I’ where players could lose control when attempting to launch the introduction cutscene while using specific Kit items
- Fixed a progression issue in the mission ‘Good, Honest, Snake Oil’
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Paying a Social Call’ where it was possible to block entry to the cabin with a chair
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘The Sheep and the Goats’ where the mission could fail for a companion dying while playing through the mission quickly
- Fixed an issue in mission ‘A Quiet Time’ where the interior of the Saloon would disappear after repeatedly exiting the Saloon
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Blessed are the Meek?’ where progress would stop after reaching the horses
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Exit Pursued By A Bruised Ego’ where progress in the mission was stopped if players were unable to pick up the rabbit and it became rotten
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego’ where players were unable to exit the crafting menu if their Satchel was already full of Plain Game
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘The Fine Joys of Tobacco’ where mission progress stops if the in-game Companion falls off their horse during the escape
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Magicians for Sport’ where progress stopped after inspecting all clues
- Fixed an issue where players could become locked outside the bank in the mission ‘Sodom? Back to Gomorrah’
- Fixed an issue where replaying the mission ‘Angelo Bronte, a Man of Honor’ then immediately loading an autosave would load players into an incorrect point in the Story
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘No, No and Thrice, No’ where companions could become invisible, preventing progression
- Fixed a progression issue in the mission ‘Country Pursuits’
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Savagery Unleashed’ where progress could stop during the grapple sequence
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Archeology for Beginners’ where progress could stop after equipping binoculars
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Favored Sons’ where progress could stop if all soldiers were killed while surrendering
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘The Fine Art of Conversations’ where progress could stop during the escape stage if a large pelt was stowed on the player’s horse.
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘The Wheel’ where progress could stop when returning the wagon
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Home of the Gentry?’ where the end cutscene could fail to play
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘A Quick Favor for an Old Friend’ where a Companion’s horse could become invisible after players failed and retried the mission
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘An Honest Day’s Labors’ where enemies would stop reacting if you ran ahead of your Companion
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘An Honest Day’s Labors’ where players could become stuck on a loading screen after skipping the introduction cutscene
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘A New Future Imagined’ where progress could stop after rowing to the correct location
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘High and Low Finance’ where players could fail for being spotted while using a throwing knife
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘High and Low Finance’ where players could lose control after stealth killing a guard
- Fixed an issue in the mission ‘That’s Murfree Country’ where Charles would get stuck after colliding with players on horseback
The full patch notes can be found right here. Red Dead Redemption 2 is now available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
So, thoughts on the new update? Does it resolve any of the issues you’ve been having with Red Dead Redemption 2? Let us know in the comments section below, and as always, stay tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers for all the latest gaming and entertainment news! Don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for our 24/7 news feed!
Ryan "Cinna" Carrier3026 Posts
Ryan is the Lead Editor for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he isn't writing, Ryan is likely considering yet another playthrough of Final Fantasy IX. He's also the DFTG cinnamon bun.