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Short Film “Player Two” Will Tug On Your Nostalgic Heartstrings (VIDEO)

Player Two is an animated short by film maker Zachary Antell that captures a beautifully done rendition of what it is like to be a younger sibling. Gaming is a common theme with throwbacks to the older generations like the N64 and the GameBoy.

“When you are born second, you are put into someone else’s world. You follow them. You are Player 2”

The viewer is cast into this wondrous journey about exploring new worlds with your siblings. Wave Runner, DOOM, Donkey Kong – so many titles we grew up with are displayed to entice feelings from gamers that can related to this very story. It artistically shows another side to gaming that many don’t see.

 “The hardest part is that it doesn’t last forever. They have a new adventure waiting for them.”

Growing up brings many changes and this film showcases that moment when we can still find that warm feeling of ‘coming home’ when putting in that cartridge to remind you of simpler times. Enjoying these classic games that become a staple for bonding and memories, many of us can resonate with Antell’s beautifully created story. Whether it is a sibling or simply a best friend, many of us gamers can relate to that ONE game that brings us right back into that living room in ’95.

Gaming has always been and always will be a safe haven for many and this film showcases the nostalgia and beauty that comes with those memories. Watch the video above and tell us what is your favourite memory in gaming growing up? Were you player 1 or 2? Did gaming play a huge role in your relationships growing up? We’d love to hear from you, share your stories in the comment section below. Sound off!

Liana Ruppert578 Posts

With an arguably unhealthy obsession with Mass Effect, Liana has been an avid collector of gaming and comic memorabilia for well over two decades. With a passion for writing, gaming, and comics - she is currently working as Editor-in-Chief for the revival of Prima Games, with previous managing editor experience with several gaming publications including, The Hollywood Reporter, TwinGalaxies, and other outlets. She is also the Co-Owner and Managing Editor for DFTG. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, as well as several Facebook communities online.


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