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Overwatch’s Brigitte Set To Join The Fight Next Week (VIDEO)

Overwatch's Brigitte

Ever since all of the rumors and speculation were settled a few weeks ago, players of Blizzard Entertainment’s popular team-based shooter have been enjoying the latest hero in the Public Test Realm (PTR). Now that she has been tested by several, Overwatch’s Brigitte is set to arrive in the game next week.

In a tweet from the official Overwatch Twitter account, fans were treated to a video of what it took to create hero 27. Lead character artist Ben Zhang takes us through the evolution of Brigitte Lindholm, and the influences she draws from not only her father, Torbjorn, but also Reinhardt. Check it out in the video below:

For those who haven’t had a chance to check out Overwatch’s Brigitte, here’s more on the character and what she has to offer:

“Brigitte specializes in armor. She can throw Repair Packs to heal teammates, or automatically heal nearby allies when she damages foes with her Flail. Her Flail is capable of a wide swing to strike multiple targets, or a Whip Shot that stuns an enemy at range. When entering the fray, Barrier Shield provides personal defense while she attacks enemies with Shield Bash. Brigitte’s ultimate ability, Rally, gives her a substantial short-term boost of speed and provides long-lasting armor to all her nearby allies.

  • Rocket Flail
    • Brigitte’s melee weapon has an extended range, enabling her to strike multiple enemies with a single swing.
  • Repair Pack
    • Brigitte throws a Repair Pack that can heal an ally. Any healing over that ally’s maximum health provides them with armor instead.
  • Whip Shot
    • Brigitte throws her flail a long distance, dealing damage and knocking an enemy away from her.
  • Barrier Shield
    • Brigitte deploys a frontal energy barrier to absorb a limited amount of damage.
  • Shield Bash
    • Once her Barrier Shield is deployed, Brigitte can dash forward to stun an enemy.
  • Rally
    • Brigitte moves faster and provides all nearby allies with armor that lasts until it’s removed by damage.”

Overwatch’s Brigitte will officially be joining the fight on March 20th across all platforms. As always, there will be a waiting period before she becomes available in Competitive Play. After that, the countdown to the next hero begins. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as we learn more about what’s to come to Overwatch, and for other Blizzard-related news, check out the following:

What say you, heroes? Are you ready for Brigitte to arrive in the game? How badly do you thing she is going to be nerfed or buffed upon entering the fight? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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