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Report: New Fable, Forza Horizon, And Perfect Dark Projects Possibly Coming To Xbox One

New Fable

Another boatload of rumors is drifting ashore, and it’s all eyes on Microsoft this time around. Considering not much is currently known regarding the plans of team green in 2018, it’ll do some good to think about what they are possibly working on behind the scenes. That is, of course, until they speak up and either confirm or deny the recent claims. However, fans are surely going to perk up a bit once learning that a potential leak has popped up, stating that new Fable, Forza Horizon, Perfect Dark, and more projects are at some point in the development process for Xbox One.

As always, have loads of salt at the ready, as nothing about the following rumors indicates that they are true and authentic. That being said, the user that supplied the information over on Resetera has been known to accurately predict a thing or two in the past. They provided a bounty of leaks prior to E3 2016 that ended up being true, so there might be something worth noting here. They did claim that the games were seen in the Xbox Live API SDK, but  again, with no confirmation, these will simply remain rumors.

The first title to find its way into the cryptic message is a new Fable project. “I would love to revisit Albion. Project name could be Wisdom. An UK Studio should do it,” is what the user says. With Lionhead Studios closing, the franchise is up in the air as to who will take the reigns after the cancelling of Fable Legends. It could be Playground Games or Studio Gobo taking charge, so we’ll definitely keep an eye on that.

“I would love playing Forza with the rising sun on the Horizon,” they said, cleverly hinting at a Forza Horizon title set in Tokyo, Japan. Making it the fourth installment in the franchise, it is unclear if Playground Games would be heading the project. After all, they are rather busy with other happenings. A new Perfect Dark game is also hinted at, which would be prefect timing with developer Rare finishing up their next title Sea of Thieves. When the remastered version of the N64 classic hit the Xbox 360, it certainly recaptured the hearts of many, so why not continue, right?

They also mention something that is rather interesting, and if decoded correctly, could be very fitting in the current gaming world. “I would love to have a really high player-count (connections per session) for Xbox biggest franchise.” High player-counts are quickly being associated with the super popular battle royale game mode these days, so could this mean that 343 Industries has something of the sort in store for Halo players? Everyone else is doing it, so why not? Sadly, only time will tell.

Last, but certainly not least, how awesome would it be to see a new MechAssault title, especially on the Xbox One? “Oh and I think I‘m sure Phil likes Mechs,” they said. It has been 14 years since an installment in the franchise was released, and with technology advancing quite a bit since then, now would definitely be a good time to fire up the old mechsuits again. Again, all of this should be taken with a grain of salt until Microsoft speaks up. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as this story develops, and for other gaming news, check out the following:

What say you, gamers? Would you love to see a new Fable, Perfect Dark, Forza Horizon and more make their way to the Xbox One in the future? What other games should Microsoft be looking at to bring to their console? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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