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Recent Blizzard Statement Warns Against Loot Box Hoarding in Overwatch

loot box hoarding

Change is coming to Overwatch in PTR patch 1.13.0 and will bring about some interesting improvements. Among them is an update to loot boxes that would diminish the number of duplicates received. Since the announcement players have taken to loot box hoarding in anticipation of the patch release.

In a recent statement, Blizzard cautioned players against loot box hoarding. While they may be looking to cash in on the new update, it may not be the exciting conclusion some are hoping for. Here is what Blizzard had to say on the matter:

We recently announced that major improvements are on the way for in-game loot boxes and have made those updates available for testing with our latest PTR patch (1.13.0). Since that announcement, we’ve seen several of you noting that you’ll be stocking up on loot boxes (or holding off on opening the ones you already have) in preparation for this update going live. Before you do that, we ask that you please keep the following functionality in mind: Loot Box contents are generated at the time that they earned or purchased, NOT when they are opened.”

It seems pretty clear that loot box hoarding won’t net players any kind of reward once the patch releases. Blizzard reiterates that in the post, noting that only loot boxes earned or purchased after Patch 1.13.0 will reflect these changes. With that in mind, opening those boxes now may be the best idea.

loot box hoarding

Another concern addressed by Blizzard, outside of loot box hoarding, was that the update would reduce the number of credits players would earn by converting their duplicates to put towards cosmetics they want. While it is true that players will lose those conversion credits with fewer duplicates, they may not be left by the wayside after all. Blizzard has already got this concern covered:

Second, to compensate for this reduction of duplicate items, we’re also increasing the overall amount of credits players will receive from loot boxes,. On average, players should be earning just as many credits, if not slightly more, from loot boxes than they did prior to these changes”

It would seem safe to say that Blizzard is committed to delivering a well-balanced and enjoyable experience for Overwatch fans. As of now, there is no date announced for the Patch release. However, fans can expect more news on it soon. In the mean time, crack open that stash of loot boxes and enjoy the game! Will the new loot box system balance things out and make the game more enjoyable? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below! Don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

Charles Douglas734 Posts

Deep in the mountains of the south west lives a man who writes game editorials, makes YouTube Videos, and is an overall mega nerd. An avid believer in Unicorns, and your new all star line backer, Number 34, CHARLES DOUGLAAAAAAASSSS!!!!


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