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Hearthstone Players Speak Out as Blizzard Raises Pack Prices in Several Countries

hearthstone players

In light of some big changes recently implemented by Blizzard, Hearthstone players are lashing out with rage. Unfortunately, many countries in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East will be seeing a significant hike in prices for card packs. The countries that this change will affect are: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Lebanon, Morocco, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Turkey, Egypt, India, Pakistan, and Nigeria.

We regularly look at our pricing around the world, and from time to time we make changes such as these to align with local and regional market conditions. The price of the Un’Goro prelaunch bundle offer will not be affected by this change and will remain the same until launch.

This plan will be effective beginning March 22nd, 2017 – that’s just a little over a week away. Several threads on Reddit have been sparking conversations between Hearthstone players, all sharing their complete disapproval and resentment for the company’s move. No other games are seeing price mark ups or changes at this time and some players on Reddit couldn’t help, but notice. “It is much easier for a new player to spot how ridiculously overpriced this game has become and never consider playing it,” said LordMalkoth. “Three expansions [a] year and removal of adventures is going to help this as well. Good job!”

hearthstone players

On the other hand, another user witnessed the change from a different perspective. More or less, it was a much more analytical viewpoint denoting an “it makes sense” approach. By comparing the exchange rates of the present since the debut of Hearthstone in 2014, the exchange rates for some of these countries have adjusted dramatically. Instead of being a plain ol’ greedy corporation, they’re altering prices to fit the economic shifts.

“Now I know it may be the unpopular fact right now, but as you can see the exchange rates are much different now than back then and actually, pack prices are actually cheaper, relative to the US dollar, than they were upon release,” said Buttchouda. “Furthermore, take a look at the current (listed as “Old”) price to USD ratio! Those purchasing packs with Euros or GBP are getting packs at a great deal compared to the US.”

The user was referencing an excel sheet they created for visual representation and it isn’t difficult to see their reasoning. At the same time, price changes are tough to swallow, despite the circumstances. Many players are even recommending that others to switch to a different game and among them are Gwent, Pokémon Trading Card Game Online, Duelyst, Shadowverse, and Magic The Gathering.

hearthstone players

Who do you think is in the right? Are Hearthstone players taking this too far? Do you believe this is still a silly move on behalf of Blizzard? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below or begin your own conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers Disqus channel! To stay up to date on the latest news in the gaming world, follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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