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Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford Announces December 1 Announcement – New Borderlands?

Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford

Announcements are great when you need to convey a message about a specific topic to a large group of people. Announcing an announcement is great when you need to garner public interest and send them into a spiraling downfall of speculation. Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford decided to go with announcing the announcement and we are all on high alert! This can mean a plethora of things, and while we can spend all day listing every possible announcement, we should focus on just a couple of them to ensure we get enough rest for the December 1 announcement.

Let’s go ahead and begin with the above tweet. A Duke Nukem/Gears of War crossover you say? Sounds awesome! Not likely, but it could make for a very interesting announcement. It would certainly make for one hell of a game, too. Just imagine Duke Nukem bumping into Marcus Fenix in a bar or on the battlefield. Ridiculousness would ensue as the two take on the alien forces, protecting this realm from the evil that lurks in the shadows. Sadly, this doesn’t seem realistic, but we can always keep our hopes up!

On the more plausible side of things, what about a Duke Nukem game? With Twitter user The Alex mentioning Duke Nukem, Pitchford saying “…something you might really enjoy”, and Gearbox having developed the Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour, it is entirely reasonable to think they could be working on a new Duke Nukem game. Well, we want them to be working on a Duke Nukem game. Please be working on a Duke Nukem Game?


There is also a chance that the announcement has something to do with the Bulletstorm remaster. In September of this year, the Brazil Advisory Ratings Board rated a title called “Bulletstorm: FULL CLIP Edition” for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC, that is being published by Gearbox. It has a release date of 2017, so we think we would have heard something of more substance a little sooner instead of at the end of the year. Then again, we don’t know the magnitude of the upcoming announcement. For all we know, it’s something related to Battleborn.

Last, but certainly not least, Borderlands. What if this is the big one? What if Gearbox’s CEO gets on stage at The Game Awards 2016 on December 1, and unveils Borderlands 3? How insane would that be?! Are we insane for even thinking that’s a possibility? It is a possibility, right? We’ll just keep our heads in the clouds and keep on thinking about Borderlands 3.


What do you think the big(or small) announcement is going to be, gamers? It’s probably going to be Duke Nukem, isn’t it? With the context that is available, that is our guess. Either way, we’re eagerly awaiting December 1 and The Game Awards 2016. Drop a comment down below to let us know your thoughts, and keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as we will be providing all of the glorious details about The Game Awards 2016.

More News on The Game Awards 2016:

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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