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Final Fantasy XV’s Holiday Pack Features DLC for Season AND Non-Season Pass Holders, Less Than a Week Away!

Yesterday, Square Enix announced in their blog that a holiday DLC for Final Fantasy XV will be available for Season and Non-Season Pass holders – the Holiday Pack (free for all players) and the Holiday Pack Plus. That’s right, everyone wins! You get something, and you get something – everybody gets something! Of course, the content does vary between the two. Naturally, the free download doesn’t have as many goodies, but everyone receives a pass to attend the Moogle Chocobo Carnival in January 2017. Are you curious to see what else is included in both DLCs? Check out the details below:

Holiday Pack (Free – No Season Pass)

  • Nixperience Band (a.k.a. Level Inhibitor) –
    • “A device that stops experience points from being tallied, preventing the party from leveling up”
  • Warrior’s Fanfare –
    • “A scroll of sheet music containing a song of jubilation that provides additional AP for earning an A+ in Offense during combat outside of training”
  • Choco-Mog T-Shirt
    • The t-shirt will not be available until the January update, however, because of the Moogle Chocobo Carnival taking place at the time
  • Carnival Passport –
    • “An adorably adorned ticket that whisks the bearer away to a fun-filled festival – for a limited time”
    • This item grants you access to the Moogle Chocobo Carnival taking place this upcoming year

Holiday Pack + (Season Pass)

  • Ring of Resistance
    • “A protective piece of jewelry that renders the entire party resistant to magical friendly fire”
  • Tech Turbocharger
    • “A device that accelerates the tech bar replenishment rate, but freezes the Armiger bar” (Noctis exclusive)
  • Armiger Accelerator
    • “A device that accelerates the Armiger bar replenishment rate, but freezes the tech bar” (Noctis exclusive)
  • Blitzer’s Fanfare
    • “A scroll of sheet music containing a song of jubilation that provides additional AP for earning an A+ in Time during combat outside of training”
  • Tactician’s Fanfare
    • “A scroll of sheet music containing a song of jubilation that provides additional AP for earning an A+ in Finesse during combat outside of training”
  • Key of Prosperity
    • “A lucky charm that increases the rate at which fallen foes leave behind items of value”
  • Stamina Badge
    • “A device that enables Noctis to sprint and hang without expending stamina” (Noctis exclusive)
  • Festive Ensemble*
    • Shown in gallery
  • Photo Frames (Holiday Pack + Exclusive)*
    • “Festive Themes the player can add to Prompto’s photos when sharing to social media”
  • Carnival Passport
    • Identical to the Free holiday pack – it grants players access to the Moogle Chocobo Carnival taking place this upcoming year

The two items marked by an asterisk (*), Festive Ensemble and Photo Frames, will not be available until 2017. If you’ve taken a gander at the costumes already, you may laugh. It’s all for fun, though! So let’s try not whip out the extra critiques on the outfits this time around. Here’s to hoping for better ones in the near future, however!

What do you think of the holiday pack DLC? Are you glad that players who don’t own a Season Pass actually gets something? Amazing, right? I love it! Even if you’re a Season Pass holder, make sure to download the free pack as well, if you want all those other items!

As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments section below – we would love to hear from you! Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, as well, to stay up to date on all the gaming news as they happen!

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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