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Fable Will Give Respect To Old Ideas And Balance New Ones, Says Dev

The surge of technological advancements in the video game industry is astounding to say the least and as the years fly by, games and series that many of us grew up with seem to have collected dust. However, studios old and new are determined to revive properties with remasters or remakes and Fable is no exception.

It’s been years since a mainline game went gold within the Fable series and the folks at Playground Games and Xbox Games Studio officially revealed the grand news during a recent showcase for the Xbox Series X. Though there has been noteworthy clues of Playground’s involvement for some time now and numerous hints of a new Fable game since 2018, the waters are no longer murky. It’s officially public!

fable 4 playground games

Of course, that comes with its own concerns as well, especially from long-time fans of the series. At the helm of Fable’s development is Playground Games, the folks that created the Forza Horizon series. So far, that’s pretty much the only IP they’ve worked on. In 2018, they were acquired by Xbox Games Studios (formerly Microsoft Studios) to allegedly work on the next Fable title. In addition to the years since a mainline Fable was released and how Lionhead predominately spearheaded said titles, there’s some valid concerns as to how a new group would lead.

Head of Xbox Games Studios, Matt Booty, is confident that Playground has what it takes to breathe Fable with new life. Understanding the group beyond their current portfolio to consider their skills instead, Booy believes Playground has the capabilities and the drive to make it work. “I just look at what Playground has done with the Horizon series – that attention to detail, the ability to represent these naturalistic landscapes,” Booty told The Guardian. “They also have a real passion for the IP and a unique point of view on what’s core to Fable. Everything I’ve seen as the game progresses tells me this is going to be a very high-quality release.”

After debunking rumors of Fable being an MMO since the announcement, Xbox Games Studio continues to address other concerns fans may have, especially concerns regarding how well the new will coincide with the old. “With any kind of franchise like that, where you’ve had existing versions, there’s always that balance between what you’re going to bring forward, what still stands up, and what you want to add that’s new,” Booty admitted. “It’s like the challenge of making a new Star Wars movie – there’s stuff that everyone wants you to bring along, but then you’ve got a responsibility to take that to new places and I trust Playground has a good vision for that.”

In other words, it looks like Xbox Game Studios and Playground Games want to do the series justice by finding a balance between pushing Fable forward and honoring its legacy. With that said, the teams involved in its development will likely show the community sneak peeks in the near future to give us an idea on its progress.

What do you think about Booty’s trust in Playground Games? Do you think the studio has what it takes to do the franchise justice? Any other floating thoughts on Fable? Let us know what you think in the comments section below or start a conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming and entertainment news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here are some of our latest:

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Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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